#RPGaDay2023 Day 31: To choose my favourite #ttrpg, I need to think in terms of the only one I'd keep if I ever had to, and that would be #Hillfolk. Its system, #DramaSystem, allows me to imagine any kind of setting on the fly, and to help generate that side of the #rpg hobby I absolutely love above anything else: emotions, in the characters, in order to be felt by the players afterwards. I love drama & I love #DramaSystem. @robindlaws @pelgranepress #jdr #RPGaDay #FirstEdition #FirstEditionRPG
#firsteditionrpg #firstedition #RPGaDay #jdr #rpg #DramaSystem #hillfolk #ttrpg #rpgaday2023
#RPGaDAY2023 Day 27: I'd love a new edition of #Hillfolk, maybe with a clearer name: #DramaSystem. I'm sure there's been a lot of retex in the last 10 years, plus storygames are more popular now & many drama oriented #ttrpgs could provide some inspiration. Some rules could be improved, other ones heavily revised, I'd love to see plug-in tools to add it to any #ttrpg.
I love how fantastic Hillfolk already is. I'd love it to be even better! @robindlaws @pelgranepress #RPGaDAY #rpg #jdr
#jdr #rpg #RPGaDay #ttrpg #ttrpgs #DramaSystem #hillfolk #rpgaday2023
#RPGaDAY2023 Day 22: My best 2nd-hand #ttrpg purchase was #Hillfolk & #BloodontheSnow, a couple of hours before sitting at my very 1st Hillfolk game, run by @RobinDLaws himself. He signed my books, and I absolutely fell in love with his #rpg. So much so that #DramaSystem is now one of the rules set I used the most. Then a few years later I got to purchase the token bag & the card deck, 2nd-hand too. Sweet memories! #jdr @PelgranePress #RPGaDAY
#RPGaDay #jdr #DramaSystem #rpg #bloodonthesnow #hillfolk #ttrpg #rpgaday2023
#RPGaDAY2023 Day 17: I've ran and played many games and many game sessions that were fun, as in smart, thrilling, hilarious, but right off the top of my head, I'd say the funniest game I have in mind is a very recent one I run: #TheGoodPlace with #DramaSystem. The Drama scenes were so witty and clever, wild and crazy, and I had to put my microphone on mute so many times as I was laughing so loudly! What a game! #ttrpg #rpg #jdr #Hillfolk @pelgranepress @robindlaws @foundryvtt #RPGaDAY
#RPGaDay #hillfolk #jdr #rpg #ttrpg #DramaSystem #thegoodplace #rpgaday2023
I've just discovered that @pelgranepress, publisher of my two favourite systems, namely #DramaSystem and #Gumshoe, is preparing a new #One-2-One game called #FirstEdition. This new #ttrpg will mix both systems, so try to figure out how excited I am now! Pelgrane Press, you were already the best, and now you've managed to become even bester! @robindlaws #Hillfolk #GumshoeOne2One #rpg #jdr
#jdr #rpg #gumshoeone2one #hillfolk #ttrpg #firstedition #one #GUMSHOE #DramaSystem
I've finally managed to start GMing a game of #DramaSystem using #TheGoodPlace as a setting. Tonight we created the characters and we've already had such a blast! Besides, it's always a joy and honour to welcome newcomers to the #ttrpg hobby, people who got there with some DnD expectations about #rpg and who end up excited by a completely different approach. @robindlaws @pelgranepress @foundryvtt #Hillfolk
#DramaSystem #thegoodplace #ttrpg #rpg #hillfolk
#Hillfolk / #DramaSystem has had a HUGE impact on me as a player, as a GM but also on that tiny "storyteller" side of my job as an English teacher.
One of my favourite roleplaying games ever hands down. #ttrpg #rpg #jdr @pelgranepress @AllenVarney https://bundleofholding.com/presents/2023Hillfolk
#jdr #rpg #ttrpg #DramaSystem #hillfolk
Voilà, Gastro Maestro c'est fini. Ce #SeriesPitch maison pour #DramaSystem avait des airs de #Fiasco avec des rebondissements apocalyptiques. Et qu'est-ce que j'ai ri! Mais j'ai ri! Ce fut une excellente partie, j'avoue. #jdr #Hillfolk
#hillfolk #jdr #Fiasco #DramaSystem #seriespitch
Une petite première séance fort sympathique de Human After High, un #SeriesPitch perso pour #DramaSystem. J'ai hâte de voir ce que tous ces liens et attentes vont donner en partie, dans deux semaines. #Hillfolk #JdR
#jdr #hillfolk #DramaSystem #seriespitch
Une autre séance du #SeriesPitch (fait maison) Gastro Maestro pour #DramaSystem. Les ambitions volent dangereusement haut, les amours sont de plus en plus non réciproques, et les confessions d'adultère prennent des allures d'une superbe partie de #Fiasco. Suite et fin dans deux semaines. J'ai vraiment hâte de voir cette apocalypse en cuisine. #jdr #Hillfolk
#hillfolk #jdr #Fiasco #DramaSystem #seriespitch
Bon, il semble qu'il y ait une tendance #shelfie #jdr sur #mastodon. Suivons le mouvement. Ici nous avons #NightsBlackAgents #Hillfolk / #DramaSystem #TheEsoterrorists #Mutant CityBlues #TrailofCthulhu et #TheFallofDeltaGreen .1/6
#thefallofdeltagreen #TrailOfCthulhu #mutant #theesoterrorists #DramaSystem #hillfolk #NightsBlackAgents #mastodon #jdr #shelfie
Bon, il semble qu'il y ai une tendance #shelfie #jdr sur #mastodon. Suivons le mouvement. Ici nous avons #NightsBlackAgents #Hillfolk / #DramaSystem #TheEsoterrorists #Mutant CityBlues #TrailofCthulhu et #TheFallofDeltaGreen .1/6
#thefallofdeltagreen #TrailOfCthulhu #mutant #theesoterrorists #DramaSystem #hillfolk #NightsBlackAgents #mastodon #jdr #shelfie
Première séance de Gastro Maestro, un reality show de compétition culinaire sous #DramaSystem, avec déjà des relations bien barrées entre un candidat, une maquilleuse, un caméraman, un présentateur et un membre du jury. Vivement la suite dans deux semaines! #jdr #Hillfolk #FoundryVTT
#foundryvtt #hillfolk #jdr #DramaSystem
Plein de petites idées en tête pour de futures parties de #DramaSystem. #Hillfolk #SeriesPitch #FoundryVTT #jdr
#jdr #foundryvtt #seriespitch #hillfolk #DramaSystem
@Mbrichman @pelgranepress I do, and talk about it quite regularly.
#Gumshoe, #13thAge and #DramaSystem.
#DramaSystem #13thAge #GUMSHOE
19. Sometimes I do, not a lot but I do.
For instance, this week's game of #DramaSystem did certainly have an impact on my sleep afterwards.
6. Interestingly, it was The Wheat Queen, a character I created in my very first game of #Hillfolk / #DramaSystem run by @robindlaws himself.
It was a one-off but she had so much potential and so many great things were achieved in one evening!
Today my Christmas break is starting and with it a #ttrpg marathon, online and IRL:
- Sunday 18: playing #WerewolftheApocalypse
- Monday 19: running #13thAge
- Tuesday 20: running #NightsBlackAgents' #TheDraculaDossier
- Thursday 22: running #TrailofCthulhu's #FearfulSymmetries
- Friday 23: running #DramaSystem's #SeriesPitch Encore
- Wednesday 28 & Thursday 29: playing #TheEsoterrorists
- Friday 30: running #DramaSystem's #SeriesPitch Encore
@pelgranepress @TheOnyxPath #rpg #jdr
#jdr #rpg #theesoterrorists #seriespitch #DramaSystem #FearfulSymmetries #TrailOfCthulhu #thedraculadossier #NightsBlackAgents #13thAge #werewolftheapocalypse #ttrpg
You can love a #ttrpg as much as you want, but it needs players who're involved to make it live, thrive and soar up. And this is exactly what I've experienced last week and tonight with @robindlaws's #MutantCityHCIU. So many twists! So much drama! And with one PC turning into a sociopathic, egomaniacal supervillain. What a game! What a treat! I'm so thankful to this group!
(plus, I finally got to run procedural scenes! Hurray!) #DramaSystem @Koalemos @chibi @Lasth @pelgranepress
#DramaSystem #mutantcityhciu #ttrpg
Tsss, encore des photocopies ? Nan mais je ferai ça plus tard, tu vois pas que je suis occupé là ?
*lime consciencieusement ses ongles en pointe*
L'insupportable réceptionniste aux pouvoirs psychique à hâte de retrouver ses collègues au commissariat ce soir !
Toujours plus de drama sur le #clubjdr avec @chibi, @Lasth et.... *tudum* notre maître du #dramasystem : @Yohann !