This is pretty amazing artwork.
And my favorite part of the Mythos. https://dice.camp/@artikid/110763836690664836
#comics #cthulhumythos #lovecraft #Dreamlands
Get a free 48 page download of Jason Thompson's Quickstart Dreamlands rpg here:
It looks great! Quite an innovative system but it's tied nicely to the background and I imagine it plays well.
I am reading #unknownkadath comic from #Ablaze I am interested in talking about #lovecraft #dreamlands and the #catsofulthar
#unknownkadath #ablaze #lovecraft #Dreamlands #catsofulthar #ulthar
19. Have I experienced bleed? I keep my #TTRPG and non-TTRPG lives compartmentalised—I don’t suppose monologuing in the shower counts—but it happens, albeit rarely. The first time was a shock. I’d played an idealistic kitten in a #CallOfCthulhu #Dreamlands game who’d sacrificed himself to save the cats of Ulthar when no one else would. A few days later, on the train, I was slammed by a wall of conflicting emotions. I’m 6’4” (193cm) and built like a wrestler—somebody called security on me. #gtkm
#ttrpg #callofcthulhu #Dreamlands #gtkm
Huan meinte vorhin, dass der #Dreamlands Film zu ca. 60% im Kasten ist, und das aktuelle Ziel ist es ihm bis Ende 2024 im Kasten zu haben. Eine Info am Rande.
Der Film ist ein totaler Indie.
Wer mehr wissen will:
Kurz am Rande für die #lovecraft und #Cthulhu Fans.
Neuer Trailer zu #Dreamlands von Huan Vu.
#lovecraft #cthulhu #Dreamlands
"Die Traumlande" (German indie project by Huan Vu, based on Lovecraft's dreamland stories) finally coming along #Traumlande #Dreamlands
Been thinking about doing some #SoloRoleplaying using #CortexPrime and #MythicGMEmulator so I can explore the #Dreamlands setting I’ve been creating.
#SoloRoleplaying #cortexprime #MythicGMEmulator #Dreamlands