Today #selfcare looked like a visit with Dr. John and an afternoon with a little Binding of Isaac.
What did it look like for you?
#TakeYourMeds #EatFood #DrinkYourWater #DisabilityLeaveExtendedToMay
#selfcare #TakeYourMeds #EatFood #DrinkYourWater #disabilityleaveextendedtomay
Today #selfcare looked like Morning Thunder for breakfast, a little caffeine, and progress forward with kiddo's healthcare.
What did it look like for you?
#DrinkYourWater #EatSomething #TakeYourMeds #TransLivesMatter
#selfcare #DrinkYourWater #EatSomething #TakeYourMeds #translivesmatter
Today #selfcare looked like comics, My Canadian, and dinner cooked by Dorian.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #DrinkYourWater #EatSomething #TakeYourMeds
Today #selfcare looked like fighting to get my kid's IEP followed, holiday dinner with all the kids, and Skyrim.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #DrinkYourWater #takeuourmeds #standup
Today #selfcare looked like obeying traffic laws, a couple good showers, and ensuring I eat at least once.
What did it look like for you?
#EatSomething #DrinkYourWater #TakeYourMeds #LoveSomeoneEvenYoyrself
#selfcare #EatSomething #DrinkYourWater #TakeYourMeds #lovesomeoneevenyoyrself
Today #selfcare looked like leaving work early when I suddenly started being too sick to stay
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #DrinkYourWater #EatSomething #TakeYourMeds
Today #selfcare looked like breaking bread with friends, and not doing the cleaning.
What did it look like for you?
#TakeYourMeds #HonorIndigenousPeopleAndThisLandThatWasStolenFromThem #DrinkYourWater #BeLove
#selfcare #TakeYourMeds #honorindigenouspeopleandthislandthatwasstolenfromthem #DrinkYourWater #belove
Today #selfcare looked like frozen dinners and cough syrup.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #EatSomething #DrinkYourWater #TakeYourMeds
Today #selfcare looked like a warm shower, chocolate milk, and requesting some vacation time.
What did it look like for you?
#TakeYourMeds #DrinkYourWater #EatSomething #MissingMyFarAwayKid
#selfcare #TakeYourMeds #DrinkYourWater #EatSomething #MissingMyFarAwayKid
Today #selfcare looked like getting up super early so I'd only share the theater with 3-4 other people.
What did it look like for you?
#selfcare #DrinkYourWater #EatSomething #WakandaForever #TakeYourMeds