#DriversCoop annual report just dropped !!! https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5fd6972409beee0f3b209eff/t/648b73e7e2fc78579dfa0735/1686860777668/TDC_AnnualReport2023.pdf
Mass layoffs are short sighted. Cutting a bunch of staff is basically teaching a whole generation of workers that they’re disposable under capitalism.
Some will band together as #cooperatives, following the model #DriversCoop pioneered: picking an established player who has broken trust and raising enough community capital to supplant them by focusing on what really matters: healthy relationships between producers and consumers in a socioeconomically and ecologically sustainable way.
Looks like #ZTN made $300 in 2022 (ZTN is the original S-Corp I had founded when I first started #Consulting, it's what I used to incubate and launch both #Cohere and #ZincCoop; as well as to make investments in #DriversCoop, #EBPREC, and other #BIPOC-owned businesses.
It serves as the entity-of-record for 2 of my longest-term software delivery clients (9? and 5 years, respectively!) and #MomentPark.
Most of its expenses are pass-through payments to #Cohere and #ZincCoop.
#ZTN #consulting #cohere #zinccoop #DriversCoop #ebprec #bipoc #MomentPark
Today's the last day for folks to invest in the #DriversCoop crowdfunding campaign!
Target Return: $2.5 for $1
Terms: Revenue Based Financing @ 2.5% of Revenue. 3 Year Grace Period.
Disclosure: I've put in a few grand.
And remember! Never invest more than you can afford to lose!
#InvestInCoops! Build the #SolidarityEconomy!
Tag Soup: #Coops #cooperatives #coop
#coop #cooperatives #coops #solidarityeconomy #InvestInCoops #DriversCoop