stands firm on pirate, colander — Dread Pyrate Higgs (also known as Gary Smith of Grand Forks) has been issued a without his head covering in the photo. He says it was done "under duress."

#pastafarian #DriversLicence #hats #flyingspaghettimonster #ICBC

Last updated 2 years ago

Karl Dezeti · @dezeti
6 followers · 77 posts · Server

Assuming that interacting with was a good idea, which I don't think it is: in order to do some kind of scientifically, there would have to be transparent and fair between brain and ai, which is nowhere the case. For the goal cars it would be a competition between an attentive and responsible driver and an emergency brake system, controlled e.g. by evaluations on occasion of legal complaints against penalties on a .

#ai #physics #turingtest #competition #autonomous #digital #DriversLicence

Last updated 2 years ago

‘You’re guilty until proven innocent:’ Doctors question Ontario’s automatic licence suspensions for drivers with certain medical conditions

#driving #medicalconditions #DriversLicence #onpoli

Last updated 2 years ago

Zen and the art of parallel parking: As Ontario shifts gears, here’s what might be lost

#RoadTest #DriversLicence #onpoli

Last updated 3 years ago

Ont. delays launch of digital ID program until next year

#digitalid #DriversLicence #onpoli #healthcard

Last updated 3 years ago