July 13: Abnormal dryness along with moderate and severe drought contracted but remain in PA, NY, NH, VT, and ME. Abnormal dryness expanded in east-central WV; moderate drought persists on Cape Cod and Nantucket. http://www.drought.gov #DroughtMonitor #MAwx #NYwx #PAwx #MEwx
#DroughtMonitor #mawx #NYwx #pawx #MEwx
Not to give away the game early here, but last year we invested in air purifiers and replacement filters for both them and for our furnace. If you can afford it, consider getting those right now, before everybody needs one.
RT @NWSBayArea
Updated #DroughtMonitor just released. No surprises as D3-D4 continues to expand across Bay Area and much of CA as well as the Western US.