Drs. Andrea & Eric Nazarenko, American Health & Freedom Summit, January 5-8, 2023, Orlando
For more information, to register:
Drs. Nazarenko own one of the largest family wellness centers in South Carolina, and founded an international movement of holistic parents.
Dr. Eric Nazarenko, DC CACCP is a chiropractic physician and functional medicine practitioner, he adopts a functional medicine approach to understanding health. In addition to chiropractic care, he is leader in the area of gut health and food sensitivities.
#AmericanHealthFreedomSummit #AlternativeHealth #BigPharma #Chiropractic #ChronicIllness #Covid19 #DrsNazarenko #FreedomSummit #FunctionalMedicine #Healthcare #HealthSummit #LongCovid #MedicalFreedom #NurseUp #SickCare #VaccineInjury #Wellness #WholeBodyHealth
#WholeBodyHealth #wellness #VaccineInjury #sickcare #NurseUp #medicalfreedom #LongCovid #HealthSummit #healthcare #functionalmedicine #FreedomSummit #DrsNazarenko #COVID19 #chronicillness #chiropractic #BigPharma #alternativehealth #AmericanHealthFreedomSummit