#Lecture "The Urge" de Carl Erik Fisher. Dans ce livre, le psychiatre entreprend de définir l'addiction, notamment aux substances psychoactives, et raconte sa propre addiction à l'alcool. Il fait l'historique des politiques sanitaires liées aux drogues: de leur prohibition ou de la pénalisation des consommateurs jusqu'aux politiques de réduction des risques et d'accompagnement des usagers. Un ouvrage à l'ambition peut-être trop vaste, très centré sur les Etats-Unis #books #book #drugs #drogues
#lecture #books #book #Drugs #drogues
Hver gang jeg besøger USA så bliver jeg lige dele imponeret og skræmt over hvad der sælges som håndkøbsmedicin i supermarkederne her.
I dag så jeg 1000stk Ibumetin piller på tilbud til $14 ~ 100kr. Hjemme giver vi vel omkring 25kr for de små 10stk pakker. Eller hvad med cortizone creme at den stærke slags? eller kraftig sovemiddel? yep supermarkedet har det hele.
#usa #travel #Drugs #strangerules
Two Canadian companies licensed to sell cocaine.
Two companies were licensed to produce and sell several types of drugs after they were decriminalized in the province of British Columbia to combat a public health crisis #cocaine #drugs #canada
Psychedelics May Be Part of U.S. Medicine Sooner Than You Think
https://time.com/6253702/psychedelics-psilocybin-mdma-legalization/ #healthscienceclimate #Uncategorized #Drugs
#healthscienceclimate #Uncategorized #Drugs
DMX's Daughter to Release Docuseries on Drug Addiction | https://www.theroot.com/dmxs-daughter-to-release-docuseries-on-drug-addiction-1850078194 #chemicalcompounds #psychoactivedrugs #syntheticopioids #sonovahhillmanjr #designerdrugs #socialissues #piperidines #euphoriants #fentanyl #anilides #tiktok #heroin #drugs #dmx
#chemicalcompounds #psychoactivedrugs #syntheticopioids #sonovahhillmanjr #designerdrugs #socialissues #piperidines #euphoriants #fentanyl #anilides #tiktok #heroin #Drugs #dmx
A Pennsylvania Police Chief Was Charged With Helping Distribute Drugs. Tell Us Again How Cops Aren't Corrupt | https://www.theroot.com/a-pennsylvania-police-chief-was-charged-with-helping-di-1850041202 #medicalspecialties #psychoactivedrugs #shawndenning #robertbell #law2ccrime #informant #narcotic #cocaine #denning #opioids #drugs
#medicalspecialties #psychoactivedrugs #shawndenning #robertbell #law2ccrime #informant #narcotic #Cocaine #denning #Opioids #Drugs
Eli Lilly’s Alzheimer’s Drug Donanemab Fails to Get Early FDA Approval
https://time.com/6248904/eli-lilly-fails-early-fda-approval-alzheimers-donanemab/ #Uncategorized #bloombergwire #Drugs #wire
#Uncategorized #bloombergwire #Drugs #wire
Flavored Cannabis Marketing Is Criticized for Targeting Kids
https://time.com/6248881/flavored-cannabis-marketing-criticized-targeting-kids/ #healthscienceclimate #Uncategorized #Drugs #wire
#healthscienceclimate #Uncategorized #Drugs #wire
Cause Of Death For Former NFL Receiver Charles Johnson Revealed | https://www.theroot.com/cause-of-death-for-former-nfl-receiver-charles-johnson-1849980005 #psychoactivedrugs #charlesjohnson #usatodaysports #buffalobills #hydrocodone #euphoriants #newengland #morphinans #oxycodone #superbowl #usatoday #ketones #thenfl #drugs #nfl #rtt
#psychoactivedrugs #charlesjohnson #usatodaysports #buffalobills #hydrocodone #euphoriants #newengland #morphinans #oxycodone #superbowl #usatoday #ketones #thenfl #Drugs #nfl #rtt
FDA Approves Lecanemab, a New Alzheimer’s Drug
https://time.com/6244798/fda-approves-lecanemab-alzheimers-drug/ #healthscienceclimate #Uncategorized #Drugs
#healthscienceclimate #Uncategorized #Drugs
More Toddlers Are Getting Sick From Ingesting Pot Edibles at Home
https://time.com/6244104/kids-pot-edibles/ #healthscienceclimate #Uncategorized #Drugs #wire
#healthscienceclimate #Uncategorized #Drugs #wire
As Covid Spreads Fast in China, Beijing Isn’t in Lockdown. But It Feels Like It. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/13/world/asia/china-covid-zero-beijing.html #CoronavirusRisksandSafetyConcerns #Shutdowns(Institutional) #Coronavirus(2019-nCoV) #Drugs(Pharmaceuticals) #Beijing(China) #Shortages #China
#CoronavirusRisksandSafetyConcerns #Shutdowns #Coronavirus #Drugs #Beijing #Shortages #China
The End of Covid Vaccines at ‘Warp Speed’ https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/18/health/covid-nasal-vaccines-warp-speed.html #VaccinationandImmunization #Drugs(Pharmaceuticals) #Coronavirus(2019-nCoV) #ScienceandTechnology #your-feed-healthcare #Biden,JosephRJr #ClinicalTrials #Research
#VaccinationandImmunization #Coronavirus #your #Research #Drugs #ScienceandTechnology #Biden #ClinicalTrials