Are you struggling to find medications due to the recent #DrugShortages?
Here's all the tips I've come up with.
Any others? @tootiatricians
#shortages #MedMastodon #pharm #pharmacists #tootiatricians #tootiatricians  #MedicationShortages #Adderall #TylenolShortage #pandemic​
#Drugshortages #shortages #MedMastodon #pharm #pharmacists #tootiatricians #medicationshortages #adderall #TylenolShortage #pandemic
I've had to have the conversation about #DrugShortages a lot lately. Here's all the tips I've come up with.
Any others? @tootiatricians
#shortages #MedMastodon #pharm #pharmacists #tootiatricians #tootiatricians #MedicationShortages #Adderall #TylenolShortage #pandemic #Consequences
#Drugshortages #shortages #MedMastodon #pharm #pharmacists #tootiatricians #medicationshortages #adderall #TylenolShortage #pandemic #consequences
We know #drugshortages are an ongoing concern. If you are interested, APhA is hosting an open forum webinar on Jan 4, 2023, (1PM ET) with the US FDA Associate Director of Drug Shortage staff.
This event is open to the entire pharmacy community through advanced registration. You do NOT need to be a member or APhA to attend!
Learn more at
#MedTooter #TooteRx #Drugshortages
Spent nearly three hours tonight trying to get cefinir for my toddler’s persistent ear infection. Three pharmacies and a 60 minute round trip drive later, we found some. The impacts of the crisis in pediatric care are far-reaching, friends. Sending solidarity to fellow parents and to pediatricians everywhere.
#Drugshortages #COVID #pediatrics
Spent nearly three hours tonight trying to get cefinir for my toddler’s persistent ear infection. Three pharmacies and a 30 minute drive later, we found some. The impacts of the crisis in pediatric care are far-reaching, friends. Sending solidarity to fellow parents and to pediatricians everywhere.
#Drugshortages #COVID #pediatrics
Prescriptions Not Required for Over-the-Counter Children's Medication h/t @Jendlake #drugshortages
Replying to my own post because I forgot to use a hashtag - I've never been good at that. I heard there is a way to edit, but I can't figure it out. #Concerta #ADHD #ADHDMedicine #Drugshortages
#Concerta #adhd #ADHDMedicine #Drugshortages