claude · @mathr
288 followers · 2739 posts · Server

Found a bug in 's 360 projection (the distance estimate scaling was wrong).

Trying to do the maths by hand is too hard, so I copied my implementation (for ) from my fragm-examples repository, minus the macro hell, plus some quaternion-to-rotation-matrix code ported from Python that I found online.

Now it looks okish in the view, need to render some tests at various orientations and inject spatial metadata for viewing in VLC to be more sure I got it right...

#equirectangular #CPreProcessor #AutomaticDifferentiation #DualNumber #glsl #zoomasm

Last updated 4 years ago

claude · @mathr
288 followers · 2739 posts · Server

set mashed up with algebra (a la ) rendered with in fork of

My highly over-engineered extravagant framework of shaders including each other multiple times with different things defined (to emulate C++ templates with function overloading without polymorphism) takes significantly longer to link the than it does to render the .

First attempts with typos gave 100k lines of cascaded errors in the shader info log, which which the Qt GUI list widget was Not Happy At All. Luckily the log went to stdout too, so I could pipe to a file and see the start where I missed a return statement or two.

#animation #shader #glsl #fragmentarium #fragm #DistanceEstimation #DualNumber #mandelbulb #triplex #ThreeD #fractal #mandelbrot #magnet

Last updated 4 years ago