RT Dubrovnik Forum 2023
🔵⚪️ Follow live #DubrovnikForum2023 discussion “Has the EU Learned to Speak the Language of Power?”
🔴 http://youtube.com/c/MVEPRH
#DubrovnikForum #DF2023 https://t.co/psL8xjarRL
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DubrovnikForum/status/1677705016541425671
#DubrovnikForum2023 #DubrovnikForum #DF2023
RT Dubrovnik Forum 2023
🔵⚪️ Family photo of this year’s #DubrovnikForum “Navigating the global reshuffle”
#DubrovnikForum2023 #DF2023 https://t.co/yqs60oQ7qM
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DubrovnikForum/status/1677617678381461505
#DubrovnikForum #DubrovnikForum2023 #DF2023
Ho esposto le priorità del Governo in politica estera in un contesto di profondi mutamenti globali. L’Italia è protagonista per una pace giusta in Ucraina, nei Balcani, nel Mediterraneo allargato, aree prioritarie nella strategia di una diplomazia🇮🇹della crescita. https://t.co/wDPnAqu5zK
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Antonio_Tajani/status/1677602002510000128
Re @JosepBorrellF i @dubravkasuica sudjeluju 7. i 8. 7. 2023. u 16. izdanju međunarodne konferencije @DubrovnikForum u organiziaciji @MVEP_hr.
I ovogodišnji će #DubrovnikForum okupiti visoke međunarodne i domaće uzvanike te predstavnike 🇪🇺, međunarodnih i nacionalnih institucija.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1677317656486064128
.@JosepBorrellF i @dubravkasuica sudjeluju 7. i 8. 7. 2023. u 16. izdanju međunarodne konferencije @DubrovnikForum u organiziaciji @MVEP_hr.
I ovogodišnji će #DubrovnikForum okupiti visoke međunarodne i domaće uzvanike te predstavnike 🇪🇺, međunarodnih i nacionalnih institucija.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1677318238022033410
RT @alanbowman42: Great quote from @EU_Commission Vice President @dubravkasuica at the @DubrovnikForum « Great to be with other women on this panel - I support the initiative: No women, No panel. » Me too. #DubrovnikForum
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/dubravkasuica/status/1546158347006656512
RT @OliverVarhelyi: SMEs are the backbone of our economies. To make them more competitive and successful in our challenging times the #OECD #SME Policy Index for the #WesternBalkans and #Turkey provides a good guide about the needed reforms. 📌My speech at #DubrovnikForum https://ec.europa.eu/commission/commissioners/2019-2024/varhelyi/announcements/speech-commissioner-oliver-varhelyi-launching-event-oecds-publication-sme-policy-index-we…
#OECD #SME #WesternBalkans #Turkey #DubrovnikForum
SMEs are the backbone of our economies. To make them more competitive and successful in our challenging times the #OECD #SME Policy Index for the #WesternBalkans and #Turkey provides a good guide about the needed reforms. 📌My speech at #DubrovnikForum http://europa.eu/!m4XtvW
RT @OECDglobal: Proud to be launching our🆕#OECD #SME Policy Index today, covering the #WB6 and #Türkiye, with @grlicradman @OliverVarhelyi and @OECD DSG Ul…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/OliverVarhelyi/status/1545434653062041603
#OECD #SME #WesternBalkans #Turkey #DubrovnikForum #WB6 #TÜRKİYE