Il parait que c'est l'été, soleil dans la tête donc.
"My face"
(Biga* Ranx. 2017)
#MMRplaylist #pouetradio #BigaRanx #DubWize #SunshineOnMyFace
#MMRplaylist #pouetradio #bigaranx #Dubwize #sunshineonmyface
JD Twitch d'Optimo vient de mettre sur bandcamp sa mixtape "Caverns Of Dub" (originellement sortie en 2021) à prix libre. Tous les fonds collectés seront reversés à la banque alimentaire de Glasgow.
#music #mixtape #dub #Dubwize #glasgow
duuuuuubwiiiize : Noda & Wolfers (aka Mystica Tribe & Legowelt) - Tascam Space Season
#electronic #technodub #Dubwize #music #musique
#MMRplaylist #RunRunRun #RunForYourLife #Dubwize #Jungle #FrenchDJ #Marseille #ChineseMan #BLM #PoliceViolence
"Run, run, run (Chill Bump remix)"
Chinese Man.2015
Right in your daughter's head
She pouring red
Legs shaking on the corner dead
And when they take this to court
Will you support the feds?
Or get revenge
And face your friends from the force instead?
Somebody that get paid to do right did wrong
No I don't accept his apology
No I could care less about his condolences
He's still working
He's still getting a pay check
He's still feeding his kids
And my husband is six feet under
And I'm looking for a way to feed my kids now
There they go !
(ad libidum)
#MMRplaylist #runrunrun #RunForYourLife #Dubwize #jungle #FrenchDJ #Marseille #ChineseMan #blm #policeviolence