RT @Mimicinque
📜Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights announced that #PrinceHarry and #MeghanMarkIe, The Duke and #DuchessofSussex, have been named this year’s Ripple of Hope Award laureates in recognition of their work on racial justice,mental health & other social impact initiatives.
#DukeOfSussex #DuchessofSussex #meghanmarkie #princeharry
RT @SussexRoyalRose
This is what we call action. It's not just mere words being sprouted; it's actually helping women in the UK. Actually helping and involving with the community. She talks the talk and walks the walk.
@SmartWorksHQ @cuyana https://twitter.com/scobie/status/1597245747518656517
#meghantdos #DuchessofSussex #meghan #princessmeghan
So excited! Tomorrow is #Archetype Tuesday with #MeghanMarkle #DuchessofSussex. So looking forward to it. Hope more #SussexSquad members find their way to Mastodon!!
#Archetype #MeghanMarkle #DuchessofSussex #SussexSquad
RT @BrexitBlocklist@twitter.com
By request, we're deploying a temporary blocklist to target troll accounts which exist solely for the purpose of directing racially motivated hatred towards #MeghanMarkle the #DuchessOfSussex.
These are more commonly referred to as "Single Purpose Hate accounts".
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BrexitBlocklist/status/1570133686254981120
#DuchessofSussex #meghanmarkle