@timbray you make some excellent points. Criminals have always used covert methods to communicate. That's not the problem. Back dooring encryption is an idea founded on ignorance. Promoted by people who see answers where there simply aren't any. Usually politicians. They appear to be relying on the assumption that if you repeat something often enough it becomes acceptable. #nobackdoors #encryption #DumbIdeaOfTheDay
#nobackdoors #encryption #DumbIdeaOfTheDay
Work is floating the idea of dividing the dining room into vaccinated& non-vaccinated sections.
Won't work because even if we were allowed to ask ppl if they were or not, how many non-vaccinated would admit it?
Plus, what if your group is mostly, but one person isn't?
I'm reminded of the old smoking& none smoking sections where smoke would drift through the whole restaurant, making the division pointless.
As far as I'm concerned, vaccinated people can sit wherever they please& non-vax can sit in their damn cars.