Who is taking care of your dungeon? Are their maids or servants cleaning it up? Did you let the place flood? What is your vermin situation like? How bad does it smell down there? Did anyone empty the buckets... You know... The buckets for you know what :X
#dungeon #gm #dm #worldbuilding #dungeonmap #dungeoneering #dungeoncraft #maps #map #dnd #ttrpg
#askfedi #dungeon #gm #dm #worldbuilding #dungeonMap #dungeoneering #DungeonCraft #maps #map #DnD #ttrpg
This is for #dnd #dungeoncraft folk, but the "A Rogue Heart" adventure is in the Spelljammer Dungeoncraft Bundle VI. "A Rogue Heart" is the Tier 3 (level 11-16) adventure in the bundle, and if you want something space opera-y for #maythe4th this may be a great adventure for you - it has a love story, a missing cleric/phantom rogue adventurer, a companion system, and possible redemption. I'm very proud of it. https://www.dmsguild.com/product/435797/SJ-The-Dungeoncraft-Collection-VI-BUNDLE
Dungeoncraft, episode 300, [02:05] Professor Dungeon Master “Wizards [of the Coast] did something I never thought I’d see: They brought the entire gaming community together.” #DnD #DnDforever #Dungeoncraft
#DungeonCraft #DnDforever #DnD
Professor Dungeon Master goes full indy. [06:20] #DnD #OSR #Dungeoncraft
“Stand back, Wizards!”
"D&D" rpg vlgs focus (more or less humorously) on "D&D" problems and idiosincracies and how GMs and Players can bend over backwards to "fix" them.
And people seem fine with this.
Just look at channels such as #XPtoLevel3, #DungeonCraft and #DungeonMasterpiece, among many others.
#xptolevel3 #DungeonCraft #dungeonmasterpiece
Gonna be running the #AdventurersLeague #Dungeoncraft adventure Flight of the Wumbo Bee at my LGS tonight. https://www.dmsguild.com/product/415677/SJDCPHPWUMBO-Flight-of-the-Wumbo-Bee?src=mast
I mean, with a name like that, how can I not? Looks to be a pulpy combat-heavy adventure.
#AdventurersLeague #DungeonCraft
In #DnD, you can use the bottom of plastic bottle caps for condition markers for your minis. Different colours for various conditions. Never forget again! #DungeonsAndDragons #FantasyRPG #FantasyCraft #DungeonCraft
#dnd #dungeonsanddragons #FantasyRPG #FantasyCraft #DungeonCraft