#AndyGarcia, on holding tight to what you love:
“I never thought about giving up on #acting. This is my passion, my life’s work. And I’ve had tremendous experiences, and I’ve worked with people I admire: #AlPacino, #SeanConnery, #DustinHoffman, #RobertDeNiro.
Nothing is handed to you, and I’m certainly not #coasting. But I’ve been so #blessed to accomplish my #dreams.”
#peoplemagazine #dreams #blessed #coasting #robertdeniro #DustinHoffman #seanconnery #AlPacino #acting #AndyGarcia
RT @MichaelWarbur17@twitter.com
“Raymond is your Brother.”
RAIN MAN (1988)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MichaelWarbur17/status/1613176536005230592
#Sondage Quel est votre film préféré avec Dustin Hoffman :thinkingglare: #Cinéma #DustinHoffman #Film #Acteur
#sondage #cinema #DustinHoffman #film #acteur