A year ago today, the #RotterdamPhilharmonicOrchestra led by Lahav Shani performed the Second Symphony by #WillemPijper at the #BerlinFestspiele. A live registration can now be viewed on youtube: https://youtu.be/UjjybMtOb8k
#rotterdamphilharmonicorchestra #willempijper #berlinfestspiele #DutchComposers #twentiethcenturymusic
Second Symphony by #WillemPijper performed by the #RotterdamPhilharmonic conducted by #LahavShani as broadcast by Lithuanian radio
#DutchComposers @classicalmusic
#willempijper #RotterdamPhilharmonic #lahavshani #DutchComposers
Vanavond om 21:00 uur de eerste aflevering over Leo Smit in het programma Kroniek van de Nederlandse Muziek bij de #concertzender
#LeoSmit #SuppressedComposers #DutchComposers
#concertzender #LeoSmit #suppressedcomposers #DutchComposers
Johan #Wagenaar
"Summer of Life (Symphonic Poems)"
(The Taming of the Shrew, Op. 25; Summer of Life, Op. 21; Saul and David, Op. 24, Romantic Intermezzo, Op. 13; Frithiof's Sea Voyage, Op. 5)
Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie/Antony Hermus
(CPO 2009)
#NowListening #ClassicalMusic #music #DutchComposers
#johanwagenaar #DutchComposers #music #classicalmusic #nowlistening #wagenaar
Hendrik #Andriessen
"Symphonic Works, Vol. 1"
(Symphony No. 1; Ballet Suite; Symphonic Study; Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Kuhnau)
Netherlands Symphony Orchestra/David Porcelijn
(CPO 2013)
#NowListening #ClassicalMusic #symphonies #music #DutchComposers
#hendrikandriessen #DutchComposers #music #symphonies #classicalmusic #nowlistening #andriessen
A violin concerto written in 1925 by Benedict Silbermann, premiered in 1950 and revived in 2022 by Nadia Wijzenbeek and the Radio Filharmonisch Orkest led by Chloe Rooke. Silbermann survived WWII and his career took a different turn, arranging and composing entertainment music for his radio orchestra.
#DutchComposers #SuppressedComposers
#DutchComposers #suppressedcomposers #forgottencomposers
Alphons Diepenbrock
"Orchestral Works and Symphonic Songs"
(De Vogels, Marsyas, Hymne, Elektra, Hymne an die Nacht No. 2, Die Nacht,
Wenige wissen das Geheimniß der Liebe,
Im großen Schweigen)
Linda Finnie (mezzo); Christoph Homberger (tenor); Robert Holl (bass-baritone); Emmy Verhey (violin)
Residentie Orchestra, The Hague/Hans Vonk
(Chandos Records 2002)
#NowListening #ClassicalMusic #music #DutchComposers
#alphonsdiepenbrock #DutchComposers #music #classicalmusic #nowlistening
More good news on composers banned during WWII: on 20th January the Netherlands Radio Choir and Orchestra are performing the Cantata Der Kreis des Levens by Jan van Gilse (1881-1944). You can follow the broadcast live here next Friday: https://bit.ly/3kiAB7G
More on Jan van Gilse: https://www.forbiddenmusicregained.org/search/composer/id/100024
#ForbiddenMusic #ForbiddenMusicRegained #SuppressedComposers #DutchComposers
#forbiddenmusic #ForbiddenMusicRegained #suppressedcomposers #DutchComposers
Together with the Leo Smit Foundation, Donemus Publishing is publishing music by composers who were banned during WWII. Here's a newly released score of Rosy Wertheim's Piano Sonatina. You can download it here: https://webshop.donemus.com/action/front/sheetmusic/17176
#DutchComposers #ForbiddenMusic #ForbiddenMusicRegained #SuppressedComposers #WomenComposers
#piano #pianomusic #sheetmusic
@classicalmusic @womencomposers
#DutchComposers #forbiddenmusic #ForbiddenMusicRegained #suppressedcomposers #womencomposers #piano #pianomusic #sheetmusic
Maarten ter Horst
"Introspect" (String Quartets No. 1 & 2)
Helikon Quartet
(Cobra Records 2021)
#NowListening #ClassicalMusic #music #StringQuartet #ContemporaryClassical
#helikonquartet #maartenterhorst #DutchComposers #contemporaryclassical #stringquartet #music #classicalmusic #nowlistening
Jan van Gilse
"Symphonies Nos. 1 and 2"
Netherlands Symphony Orchestra/David Porcelijn (CPO 2008)
#NowListening #ClassicalMusic #music #DutchComposers
#janvangilse #DutchComposers #music #classicalmusic #nowlistening
Alweer zo’n briljante aflevering van de podcastserie Hilversumse Muziekschatten: Klassiek met swing! Met muziek van o.a. Hans Lachman en Karel Mengelberg
#DutchComposers #podcast #NPORadio4 #NederlandsMuziekInstituut #muziekgeschiedenis
#DutchComposers #podcast #nporadio4 #nederlandsmuziekinstituut #muziekgeschiedenis #nederlandsecomponisten
Today is the last day of my focus on the #StringQuartet by #DutchComposers. I end the week with a challenge, not a music video. In the archives of the #NederlandsMuziekInstituut I found this manuscript of a string quartet by Philip Vlessing, who was born in IJmuiden in 1906 and studied cello in Antwerp. He was killed by the Nazi's in 1943. The string quartet is dedicated to violinist Harry van der Lijn. Who wants to give it a try? Message me for the manuscript score!
#stringquartet #DutchComposers #nederlandsmuziekinstituut
There’s still time for a #StringQuartet by Robert de Roos, one of these unjustly forgotten #DutchComposers. This is his 6th quartet, performed by - again - the wonderful Utrecht String Quartet
#stringquartet #DutchComposers
A recent #StringQuartet by Rita Hijmans, one of our contemporary #DutchComposers
Titled 'An instrument to win the peace No. 4 - Strijkdicht' performed by Matangi Quartet
#stringquartet #DutchComposers
Another #StringQuartet in the #DutchComposers series this week: Rosy Wertheim. She studied in Paris with Aubert, her string quartet (performed here by the Utrecht String Quartet) was written there in 1932. She became friends with French composer Elsa Barraine.
#stringquartet #DutchComposers
Today’s #StringQuartet in the daily toot on #DutchComposers is by Hendrik Andriessen. It dates from 1957 and is performed live here by the Matangi Quartet.
#stringquartet #DutchComposers
De langverwachte eerste aflevering van het nieuwe seizoen staat online, met verrassende jazzy muziek van Otto Ketting en Jurriaan Andriessen
#19 - Hilversumse Muziekschatten - Dubbeltalenten en buitenbeentjes
In this week’s focus on the #StringQuartet by #DutchComposers I give you Henriette Bosmans. In het days, she was considered very talented, but a little too Romantic for the critics’ taste. So she sought the advice of Willem Pijper, then the king of modernists is the Netherlands. Her string quartet is one of the results, she dedicated it to Pijper for his birthday
It’s the Utrecht String Quartet, who else
#stringquartet #DutchComposers
This week in my daily toots on #DutchComposers I will be focusing on #StringQuartets. I start with Bob Hanf, an artist with many talents beside music. His string quartet in c minor is performed live by the #UtrechtStringQuartet
#DutchComposers #stringquartets #utrechtstringquartet