I wouldn't say we're fixing the problems of the internet per se, but I think we identified some good questions and challenges!
RT @FilFoundation@twitter.com
How is the #decentralized web fixing the problems of the #internet?
@brewster_khale@twitter.com, @ng_yvonne@twitter.com, @ifoundtheme@twitter.com, @jsb@twitter.com, and moderator @BLR13@twitter.com, discuss at the #dwebgateway at #SXSW2022.
Watch now 👀: https://youtu.be/-gjoWezH3eg
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FilFoundation/status/1506269961819496453
#SXSW2022 #Dwebgateway #internet #decentralized
RT @internetarchive@twitter.com
Tomorrow at 10AM CT at #SXSW2022:
"Community Archiving on the Decentralized Web" w/ @brewster_kahle@twitter.com @ifoundtheme@twitter.com @witnessorg@twitter.com @dpla@twitter.com.
Come by & learn how #decentralization is making the web more permanent w/ the help of community archivists. https://lu.ma/fil-sxsw
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/internetarchive/status/1503460962795499524
#Dwebgateway #decentralization #SXSW2022