Sigma · @sigmasternchen
86 followers · 1847 posts · Server

Gebt mir mal Input:
Ich suche für ein kleines privates Projekt eine möglichst billige Möglichkeit, Daten in der Cloud abzulegen. Format ist strukturiert und kann entweder JSON oder relational sein. Blob Storage ist dafür eher ungeeignet.
Datenmenge ist so im MiB-Bereich, mit ein paar tausend R/W Zugriffen im Monat.

Gerne auch mit Begründung. 😋

Danke schonmal. 😅

#aws #gcp #azure #Cloud #sql #nosql #document #store #Firestore #CosmosDB #DynamoDB

Last updated 1 year ago

Jeff Standen · @jeff
80 followers · 85 posts · Server

@andrewfeeney I've also been curious about using to back an ActivityPub server. Writes scale massively, and reads cache with DAX/Redis/etc. Should be easy to index for timelines.

Vendor lock-in is an issue though, unless persistence is modular. Then you're stuck with lowest common denominator database functionality.

ActivityPub does seem better suited for a clustered document database. I'm looking forward to following your progress. 😀


Last updated 2 years ago

Duncan Sommerville · @sommerville
10 followers · 85 posts · Server

Just started reading The Book by Alex DeBrie and really enjoying it - very readable and quickly demystifying the concepts around DynamoDB and in general.

#NoSQL #DynamoDB

Last updated 2 years ago

Luc van Donkersgoed · @donkersgoed
193 followers · 144 posts · Server

Application Auto Scaling (no, not that AWS Auto Scaling, the other one) tickles me in all the right ways.

Currently using it for provisioned concurrency. It dynamically creates and deletes four alarms which track resource usage and scale the workload accordingly. There is some smart math involved. I think I will need to write a blog post (if I ever find the time).

#cloudwatch #DynamoDB #aws

Last updated 2 years ago

Luc van Donkersgoed · @donkersgoed
193 followers · 144 posts · Server

I just want to share that Application Auto Scaling (no, not that AWS Auto Scaling, the other one) tickles me in all the right ways.

Currently using it for provisioned concurrency. It dynamically creates and deletes four alarms which track resource usage and scale the workload accordingly. There is some smart math involved. I think I will need to write a blog post (if I ever find the time).

#cloudwatch #DynamoDB #aws

Last updated 2 years ago

Luc van Donkersgoed · @donkersgoed
177 followers · 124 posts · Server

Fun project at work this afternoon: calculating the configuration values for provisioned concurrency with autoscaling.

Background: we have a DDB Table with a very seasonal load pattern. It's currently configured for on-demand pricing, which is expensive.

Provisioned capacity with auto scaling requires us to define the minimum WCUs, the maximum WCUs, and the target utilization levels. But what values should we use?

#DynamoDB #aws

Last updated 2 years ago

Daniel Beutner · @dooz
41 followers · 99 posts · Server

Yesterday my team and I did get the second place at the . It was kind of fun but I just learned a bit about and . We had two guys from Ops who did all the magic.

#ec2 #DynamoDB #gameday #aws

Last updated 2 years ago