Reading #Dynomight explaining #DerekParfit I realise that just as #liberalism/#libertarianism is the most inclusive political/economic system because it allows for other orders to emerge within it, #consequentialism may be the most inclusive moral theory because it may contain other systems just by redefining what a “good outcome” is.
That is:
A group of free individuals (liberalism) may enter voluntary agreements and commit to redistributing their wealth (socialism), transferring all power to a certain person (autocracy), abiding by rules decided by the majority (democracy), etc.
A consequentialist, in its narrowest definition, is free to conclude that the best possible outcome is one in which they and their special ones enjoy the best of life (egoism), one where certain rules are obeyed most strictly (deontology), one where all actions align perfectly with the word of god (theological voluntarism), etc. — and to act accordingly.
#Dynomight #DerekParfit #liberalism #consequentialism
Useful taxonomy of moral theories (#DerekParfit via #Dynomight)
#DerekParfit #Dynomight #philosophy #ethics #morality
On dirait que oui :
> Ce qui m’a décidé c’est un récent billet du blog #Dynomight qui reprenait cette analyse, tout en mentionnant le parallèle entre les mutations et le #disulfirame, un #médicament qui provoque des effets analogues (pic d’#acétaldéhyde lors de la consommation d’#alcool). L’usage du #disulfirame y était présenté comme un analogue de l’interdiction de #casino : un truc qu’on peut faire volontairement pour se prémunir d’une #addiction potentielle.
#addiction #casino #alcool #acétaldéhyde #médicament #disulfirame #Dynomight