Wusste gar nicht, dass es bereits wieder 1. April ist 😅. Ist der #DysonZone wirklich ernst gemeint? Kopfhörer mit Luftfilter ist ja schon schräg, dann aber auch noch 900 € dafür auf den Tisch legen?
After 3 years or searching, it looks like the dyson zone might be what i need for an accessible mask as someone born without a jaw.
Of course abled people are whining about it saying it’s useless and doesn’t work (without hard evidence) like they always do with products that benefit disabled people. They have a continual insufferable need to be centered in new product releases.
The only thing i think Dyson needs to do is update their inbuilt sensor so it can sense smoke particles. It doesn’t seem to do that.
Oh and the price is really high.
Other than that…
#dyson #DysonZone #disability #covid #covidconscious #CovidIsntOver
#dyson #DysonZone #disability #covid #covidconscious #CovidIsntOver