I'm linking to this video for completeness. I do not agree with it.
The solution to the problem of poor areas, according to The Economist, is to move in rich people. Never mind that just forces the poor people out. It's a rich area now.
#Gentrification #TheEconomist #Economics #Capitalism #DystopiaBeat
#gentrification #theeconomist #economics #capitalism #DystopiaBeat
Vice goes on a deep dive of Andrew Tate. Who he is and what he has done. They also cover the accusations against him and interview some of the women who have accused him of terrible things.
Trigger warning for sexual assault.
#andrewtate #vice #DystopiaBeat
The FTC proposes to make all new and existing noncompetes illegal.
Having worked for a big tech company that required everyone to sign a noncompete to not work for another competing company for some number of years, I fully support this move by the FTC. The big tech company competed with basically all other tech companies which made me basically unhirable.
#Noncompete #MorningBrew #Capitalism #DystopiaBeat
#noncompete #morningbrew #capitalism #DystopiaBeat
From the description:
"Logan Paul's cryptozoo game gathered millions in investment but never worked. The devs allege they were never paid by someone named Eddie Ibanez. Who is Eddie Ibanez? I'm joined by the reporter Adam Robb in this story to find out."
#Crypto #Coffeezilla #Scam #LoganPaul #Cryptozoo #Game #DystopiaBeat
#crypto #Coffeezilla #scam #loganpaul #cryptozoo #game #DystopiaBeat
Something about companies not wanting to pay more as the cost of labor raises due to inflation, but consumers don't have a choice when inflation raises prices for everyday needs.
#inflation #cnbc #capitalism #DystopiaBeat
Some highly desirable national parks require people to signup for access online before visiting. As part of the sign up, a fee is assessed that most people think goes directly to the park. In some cases, this fee does not go to the parks at all, but goes to big companies who have figured out how to charge people to visit our national parks.
#nationalparks #business #pricegouging #DystopiaBeat
From the description:
"We live in an era of increased skepticism towards capitalism. But is participating in capitalism inherently antithetical to living an ethical life? Or is it possible to act ethically within a capitalist system? Let’s find out in this Wisecrack Edition: Can We Be Ethical Under Capitalism?"
#Capitalism #Ethics #Wisecrack #Philosophy #EatTheRich #DystopiaBeat
#capitalism #ethics #Wisecrack #philosophy #eattherich #DystopiaBeat
Billionaires seem to be making the case against them all by themselves.
Anand Giridharadas:
"One after another, four of our best-known billionaires laid waste to the image of benevolent saviors carefully cultivated by their class"
#Billionaires #MSNBC #AnandGiridharadas #EatTheRich #ClassWarfare #DystopiaBeat
#billionaires #msnbc #anandgiridharadas #eattherich #classwarfare #DystopiaBeat
From the description:
""KEEP 1.5 ALIVE" has been the mantra of recent global climate conferences. But more and more mainstream organizations now say our politicians have already failed, and that average global temperature increases higher than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels are now inevitable. So, who are we to believe?"
#ClimateChange #justhaveathink #politics #DystopiaBeat
Not my usual type of post, but it is in the general theme of my posts.
Visual effects studios are in crisis as big studios ask more and more from them while expecting to pay the same or less. Overworking is running rampant.
#VisualEffects #VFX #TheRoyalOceanFilmSociety #Overwork #Burnout #DystopiaBeat
#visualeffects #vfx #theroyaloceanfilmsociety #overwork #burnout #DystopiaBeat
The guy behind the viral "Insulin is free" tweet, discusses why he did it and the fall out from his tweet.
#Twitter #MorePerfectUnion #Insulin #EliLily #DrugCompanies #PriceGouging #DystopiaBeat
#twitter #moreperfectunion #insulin #elilily #DrugCompanies #pricegouging #DystopiaBeat
High net worth individuals using their wealth and mobility to avoid taxes starves governments of the funds they need to help their citizens.
This documentary covers the ways the rich avoid taxes and some of the problems it causes.
#EatTheRich #Taxes #Wealth #Politics #Documentary #MiddleClass #DystopiaBeat
#eattherich #taxes #wealth #politics #documentary #middleclass #DystopiaBeat
From the description:
"How many times have you heard someone say "we need to hear both sides," or "we have to respect other opinions"? Probably a lot. But are all ideas really created equal, and should we go out of our way to provide a level playing field in the marketplace of ideas? Let's find out!"
#SecondThought #Politics #Liberal #Conservative #Ideas #MarketPlaceOfIdeas #DystopiaBeat
#SecondThought #politics #liberal #conservative #ideas #marketplaceofideas #DystopiaBeat
The Friendly Atheist speaks with Rachel Laser, president and CEO of Americans United for Separation of Church and State.
Rachel discusses working with a diverse group of religious and non-religious groups in the fight against christian nationalism.
#TheFriendlyAtheist #AU #christianNationalism #SeparationOfChurchAndState #Religion #Atheist #DystopiaBeat
#thefriendlyatheist #au #ChristianNationalism #separationofchurchandstate #religion #atheist #DystopiaBeat
The new bivalent vaccine against COVID-19 work better than the original COVID-19 vaccine alone.
From the article:
"For people ages 18 to 49, the relative vaccine effectiveness (rVE) for a bivalent booster against a symptomatic infection was 30 percent compared with people who had received two or more monovalent doses..."
#vaccines #COVID19 #bivalentbooster #DystopiaBeat
Jessie Gender reacts to the Colorado Springs shooting.
From the description:
"I need to express my pain, fear and most certainly my ANGER at the events that happened this weekend in Colorado Springs, CO."
Jessie Gender is a well known YouTuber who makes videos on trans issues and other, unrelated, nerd interests like Star Trek.
#JessieGender #ColoradoSprings #HateCrime #TransRights #DystopiaBeat
#jessiegender #coloradosprings #hatecrime #transrights #DystopiaBeat
Elon Musk Is An Idiot (and so are Zuck and SBF)
Adam Conover makes fun of the self proclaimed geniuses running the largest tech companies in the world.
If you've been following my posts, you are probably aware of everything Adam covers, but it is a good overview. Adam is also hilarious.
#AdamConover #AdamRuinsEverything #ElonMusk #MarkZuckerberg #SBF #Twitter #Meta #CryptoArmageddon #DystopiaBeat
#AdamConover #adamruinseverything #elonmusk #markzuckerberg #SBF #twitter #meta #CryptoArmageddon #DystopiaBeat
A funny and honest talk about the fate of Twitter by Steve Shives.
#twitter #elonmusk #steveshives #comedy #DystopiaBeat
How Intellectual Property Stifles Innovation
In this video, Second Thought covers all the ways intellectual property causes problems in our society. From copyright making it harder for artists make works inspired by one another to drug company patents leading to deaths.
I'm starting a new hash tag: #SocialistSunday
#SecondThought #IP #IntellectualProperty #Innovation #Copyright #DrugCompanies #Artists #DystopiaBeat
#socialistsunday #SecondThought #ip #intellectualproperty #innovation #copyright #DrugCompanies #artists #DystopiaBeat
From the description:
"Political violence is rising in the United States, alarming citizens and leaders alike. How many Americans endorse partisan violence and other forms of extreme hostility? What are its deep social, political, historical, and psychological roots? What can be done about it? And what does it mean for democracy?"
This is a longer video from Stanford CDDRL
#politics #violence #us #StanfordCDDRL #DystopiaBeat