| Good Morning World |

Video Offers Into And 's Past (s) | The video from NBC’s archives was shot more than a decade before Epstein 13 months in a for A

(Pimps call it on the stroll.. Basically Minor for ) What should be the Sentence for such an ?? UGH!

Epstein did not last long in prison --did he..??

DAVIDv: IS BY imho.


This alleged RAPE event occurred in the 1990’S --same time of the TRUMP with Epstein..

And How do I know its a .. Its a small world.. and those are NOT !!

They are . Only can whip their hair back and forth like they do -without breaking a Neck..


Unlike Elon Musk ;)

And btw what the CHUMP DOES NOT REALIZE IS THAT Girls do not like to be FONDLED or groped by --WHO ARE !! no less.

You see YOU ARE DISGUSTING TO THESE WOMEN. ..but somehow you think your is attractive to these LADIES..

ROTFLMAO! 100% in and DELUSIONAL.. aka !

Btw if I ever see you DO THAT TO A FEMALE in my presence. YOU will be in an ambulance (FASTER THAT YOU CAN SHAKE A STICK)

--rushed to the nearest hospital for a 3 month VACA while your body guards are left picking their teeth off the concrete!

You have been !

In case you scoffed at the above.. let ME tell ya a little story you may find interesting..

I have always protected women from # DIRANGED men !

On a Ski Lodge Hill once while taking a nice breath of fresh air --I heard a BIG SMACK that ECHOED ACROSS THE Mountains.

So loud I though it would start an avalanche..

As I turn to witness a woman holding her head in agony and a man screaming at her. I knew what happen..

In an instant I was there.. I hit this guy so hard that he flew off the balcony two stories down and landed on the ski hill.. Lucky for him he landed in a pile of soft snow. Which gave this poor abused female --time to escape..

BUT .. there is in ;)



Jury finds for , accuser $5

() Says Introduced Her To At 14 Years Old (Minor)


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #Newly_Surfaced #Glimpse #trump #epstein #relationship #served #Florida_Jail #PROCURING #MINOR_FOR_PROSTITUTION #breaking_out #working_girls #Pimping_Out #children #prostitution #atrocity #guilty #ASSOCIATION #Minor #questioned_under_duress #Ghislaine_Maxwell #FURTHER_QUESTIONING #TRUMPS_INVOLVEMENT #allegations #E #Jean_Carroll #PERVERT_PARTY #Congress_Girls #Business_Ladies #Porn_Stars #GONE_WILD #WE_CAN_DANCE #SEXUAL_PERVERTS #STRANGERS #fat_ass #Denile #Serious_Mental_Illness #WARNED #abusive #LIKE_YOU #listen_up #CHUMP #NO_SNOW #florida #REFERENCES #liable #sexual_abuse #awards #million #Accuser #JANE_DOE #INVITE

Last updated 1 year ago

| Video Offers Into And 's Past (s) | The video from NBC’s archives was shot more than a decade before Epstein 13 months in a for A .

(Pimps call it working_girls on the stroll.. Basically Minor for ) What should be the Sentence for such an ?? UGH!

Epstein did not last long in prison --did he..??

DAVIDv: IS BY imho. RECENTLY, JANE DOE ( ??!!~) FROM TRIAL NEEDS REGARDING WITH IN LIEU OF RECENT -- . --1996 RAPE CHARGES. This alleged RAPE event occurred in the 1990’S --same time of the TRUMP with Epstein.. Hello knock knock anyone home?

And How do I know its a .. Its a small world.. and those are NOT Congress_Girls!!
They are Business Girls. Only can whip their hair back and forth like they do..


Unlike Elon Musk ;)

And btw what the CHUMP DOES NOT REALIZE IS THAT Girls do not like to be FONDLED or groped by --WHO ARE !! no less.

You see YOU ARE DISGUSTING TO THESE WOMEN. ..but somehow you think your is attractive to these LADIES.. ROTFLMAO! 100% in and DELUSIONAL.. aka !

Btw if I ever see you DO THAT TO A FEMALE in my presence. YOU will be in an ambulance (FASTER THAT YOU CAN SHAKE A STICK) --rushed to the nearest hospital for a 3 month VACA while your body guards are left picking their teeth off the concrete!

You have been !

In case you scoffed at the above.. let ME tell ya a little story you may find interesting.. I have always protected women from abusive men LIKE YOU! -INCLUDING MY OWN MOTHER.

On a Ski Lodge Hill once while taking a nice breath of fresh air I heard a SMACK that ECHOED ACROSS THE Mountains. So loud I though it would start an avalanche..

As I turn to witness a woman holding her head in agony and a man screaming at her. I knew what happen..

In an instant I was there.. I hit this guy so hard that he flew off the balcony two stories down and landed on the ski hill.. Lucky for him he landed in a pile of soft snow. Which gave this poor abused female --time to escape..

BUT .. there is in ;)



Jury finds for , accuser $5

() Says Introduced Her To At 14 Years Old (Minor)


CONNECT Today for EARLY . TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON!

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).

Upon launch all will be notified.

* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)

Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
TastingTraffic.net ® ();
JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #Newly_Surfaced #Glimpse #trump #epstein #relationship #served #Florida_Jail #PROCURING #MINOR_FOR_PROSTITUTION #breaking_out #Pimping_Out #children #prostitution #atrocity #guilty #ASSOCIATION #Minor #questioned_under_duress #Ghislaine_Maxwell #FURTHER_QUESTIONING #TRUMPS_INVOLVEMENT #allegations #E #Jean_Carroll #PERVERT_PARTY #Porn_Stars #GONE_WILD #WE_CAN_DANCE #SEXUAL_PERVERTS #STRANGERS #fat_ass #Denile #Serious_Mental_Illness #WARNED #listen_up #CHUMP #NO_SNOW #florida #REFERENCES #liable #sexual_abuse #awards #million #Accuser #JANE_DOE #INVITE

Last updated 1 year ago

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