@sexybenfranklin you will find that many #ttrpg gamers like to adapt their system to the new setting they want to play. #gurps was designed to do that, as was #savageworlds, #eaba, #fate and many others. Others are often pressed into service, like #d20 and #brp. You are right that in doing so the game will always be a melange and will have the "flavour" of the system. Sometimes that is just what people want, and sometimes it's not. Why diss people's fun? Enjoy the diversity!
#ttrpg #gurps #savageworlds #EABA #fate #d20 #brp
Last 5 played or GMd:
#DCC #DungeonCrawlClassics
Next things I want to play or GM:
#ttrpg #dcc #dungeoncrawlclassics #gurps #Mega5 #zweihander #Vaesen #EABA #MorrowProject #ShadowoftheDemonLord #WolvesOfGod #bladesinthedark