@vowe Nicht Ursache oder in diesem Falle angesengt ist eines...
Wenn #Lithiumakkus ach so sicher sind, warum werden die dann von #FAA & #EASA als #Gefahrgut eingestuft?
#Gefahrgut #EASA #faa #lithiumakkus
Tremblez Bombardier et Gulfstream le Dassault Aviation Falcon 6X arrive ! à lire sur : https://www.avionslegendaires.net/2023/08/actu/tremblez-bombardier-et-gulfstream-le-dassault-aviation-falcon-6x-arrive — #easa #aviondaffaire #falcon6x #europeanaviationsafetyagency #cabine #dassaultaviation #federalaviationadministration #certification #faa
#EASA #aviondaffaire #falcon6x #europeanaviationsafetyagency #cabine #dassaultaviation #federalaviationadministration #certification #FAA
@Ollital gilt das für alle oder nur solche die #Lithium-Ionen / #LiIon & #LithiumPolymer / #LiPo - Akkus haben?
Gilt wie bei #FAA & #EASA das 100Wh - Limit oder ein Gewichtslimit??
Sind eigensichere und nicht-brennbare Akkus wie #LiFePO4 ausgenommen?
#LiFePO4 #EASA #faa #lipo #lithiumpolymer #liion #lithium
#avgeeks #OSH23 #ContinentalEngines @Continental_AT #CD300JetAPiston #engine #DA50 #DiamondAircraft #EASA #FAA #GeneralAviation #sustainability #aviation
#avgeeks #osh23 #continentalengines #cd300jetapiston #engine #da50 #diamondaircraft #EASA #FAA #generalAviation #sustainability #aviation
#UnrulyPassengers are a global problem & #safety threat. Virtually all regions of the world are impacted by this weird pandemic of uncivilized behaviors. Here is #EASA's 2023 Flight Right Campaign: https://www.easa.europa.eu/community/topics/unruly-passengers-fly-right-campaign-2023. There is no excuse for these aggressions. If you can't behave, stay home! ✈️ #AirTravel #FlySmart
#FlySmart #airTravel #EASA #Safety #unrulypassengers
🆕pilot project by @EASA & @Google exploring ways to provide reliable data about the carbon footprint of flights to the travelling public ✈️
This initiative, with @LufthansaNews as pilot partner, will help passengers make more informed choices about their travel! ⬇️
RT @EASA: #EASA & @Google have joined forces to explore reliable, trustworthy data concepts about the carbon footprint of flights for the travelling public in an innovative pilot project with @Lufthans…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Transport_EU/status/1666444262123229186
@rommudoh +9001%
Noch bescheuerter sind #Wegwerf / #Einweg #Powerbanks...
Diese shice gehört IMHO verboten weil #Umweltsau...
Stattdessen #wartbar|e Technik mit werkzeugfrei tausch- und entfernbaren #Akkus - denn die sing gem. #ICAO, #FAA & #EASA #Gefahrgut!
#Gefahrgut #EASA #faa #ICAO #Akkus #wartbar #Umweltsau #Powerbanks #Einweg #wegwerf
In this interesting interview in #Aviation Week, Patrick Ky says #EASA disagrees w/ #FAA on #eVTOL level of #safety but adds: "I can understand as well that the operational context is different. In the US, there is much more use of general aviation, which we don’t have in Europe." https://aviationweek.com/air-transport/safety-ops-regulation/ky-faa-easa-are-closer-after-difficult-discussions
That's something I highlighted in my earlier article on the 10-9 debate: https://theaircurrent.com/industry-strategy/special-report-evtol-safety-continuum-10-9/
#aviation #EASA #faa #eVTOL #safety
RT @ForneaDumitru: Right now at the @EASA’s HQs in Köln-representatives of the @EU_EESC are meeting specialists of this important EU agency
#EASA’s current focus:
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/WorkersEESC/status/1625444650164097030
#EASA #safety #environment #NewAirspaceUsers #cybersecurity #Healthsafety #DataIntelligence #InEuropeWeTrust
New opportunities for consumers, airlines & airports in Armenia & EU as the Common Aviation Area Agreement between #EU & #Armenia enter into administrative application on 11.01.2023. #EASA is delivering continuous EU support to civil aviation in Armenia.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Armenia/status/1620006409277415426
The @VTOLsociety is supporting #AIRTEC2023 in Augsburg, Germany in October. Check our report on our groundbreaking day of talks on #eVTOL, #eSTOL and #eCTOL from last year's Airtec:
#AIRTEC #ElectricFlight #electricVTOL #H2eVTOL #H2eCTOL #aviation #avgeek #AAM #EASA #TU_Muenchen #Lilium #Joby #Eve #Hydroplane #Airbus #AutoFlight #Odys #ElectroAero #ElectraAero #Vaeridion #GKN #RollsRoyce #Rotorcraft #HoneywellAero #UAS #AAM #UAM #FACC
#airtec2023 #eVTOL #estol #ectol #airtec #electricflight #electricvtol #h2evtol #h2ectol #aviation #avgeek #AAM #EASA #tu_muenchen #lilium #joby #eve #hydroplane #airbus #autoflight #odys #electroaero #electraaero #vaeridion #gkn #rollsroyce #Rotorcraft #honeywellaero #uas #uam #facc
Online event:
Mental Health in Academia
Organised by PrecAnthro (#EASA)
27/01/2023 // 18–19:30 CET
Free admission!
Reserve your place here =>
@EASA & @ECDC_EU have updated the Aviation Health Safety Protocol in light of recent #COVID19 developments.
The temporary measures aim to reduce the geographical spread of the virus & likelihood of transmission during air travel.
RT @EASA: #EASA and #ECDC have added new recommendations to the Aviation Health and Safety Protocol to respond to worsening #COVID19 situations. Available here: https://www.easa.europa.eu/en/newsroom-and-events/press-releases/easaecdc-provide-guidelines-aviation-part-european-response
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Transport_EU/status/1613093172179001345
RT @EASA: #EASA and #ECDC have added new recommendations to the Aviation Health and Safety Protocol to respond to worsening #COVID19 situations. Available here: https://www.easa.europa.eu/en/newsroom-and-events/press-releases/easaecdc-provide-guidelines-aviation-part-european-response
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eurireland/status/1613129696845172738
Useful output from @EASA/@ECDC_EU following #EUHealthSecurity Committee discussions on a common approach in response to the COVID-19 developments
RT @EASA: #EASA and #ECDC have added new recommendations to the Aviation Health and Safety Protocol to respond to worsening #COVID19 situations. Available here: https://www.easa.europa.eu/en/newsroom-and-events/press-releases/easaecdc-provide-guidelines-aviation-part-european-response
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Health/status/1613118896751403010
#EUHealthSecurity #HealthUnion #EASA #ECDC #COVID19
EASA publishes first set of AMC/GM for the U-space Regulation
COLOGNE, December 20, 2022 – The European Union Aviation Safety Agency has published its first set of Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to support the harmonised, safe and efficient implementation of U-space across the European Union.
The term “U-space” has been adopted to de
#Featured #UTM #EASA #U-Space #UTM
EASA publishes first set of AMC/GM for the U-space Regulation
COLOGNE, December 20, 2022 – The European Union Aviation Safety Agency has published its first set of Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to support the harmonised, safe and efficient implementation of U-space across the European Union.
The term “U-space” has been adopted to de
#Featured #UTM #EASA #U-Space #UTM
EASA – A drone for Christmas?
Maybe you are considering giving someone a drone for Christmas? EASA is happy to see growing numbers of responsible drone pilots. So we thought we would offer a few hints.
Choosing the right drone for the right person can be challenging. This guide will give you some pointers and summarises some of the things you need to be aware of and to keep in mind.
#Featured #TheMarket #EASA
Rolls-Royce Trent 7000 reaches milestone but has its issues
Last week, Rolls-Royce celebrated a “huge milestone” as it announced on Twitter that the Trent 7000 has cleared one million flying hours on the Airbus A330neo since 2019.
#Aerospace #Rolls-Royce #7000 #Aerospace #AirworthinessDirectives #but #EASA #has #issues #its #milestone #reaches #RollsRoyceTrent7000 #Rolls-Royce #Rolls-RoyceTrent1000 #Trent
#aerospace #Rolls #airworthinessdirectives #but #EASA #has #issues #its #milestone #reaches #rollsroycetrent7000 #trent