@99nicu Also, let’s not forget our favourite hashtags from the bird-App like #EBneo #Nicu #Neotwitter etc. which else have we forgotten?
Two large Danish cohort studies explore the detrimental effects of alcohol exposure in pregnancy
#FASD #pregnancy #alcohol #ebneo #ObsGynodon #ObsGynEBM
#fasd #pregnancy #alcohol #EBNEO #obsgynodon #obsgynebm
@cclareMDMPH very few from the perinatal speciliaties here yet. I think #EBNEO has close to a thousand followers on Twitter. Here we are less than a 100 registered accounts on nicuverse.org, with only 4-5 active. We need to generate more content. It would probably help if the journals and institutions started showing up.
#EBNEO has picked up the Nordic #SSC study.
Our small contribution to raising awareness of neonatal donation is now published on Pediatric Transplantation https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/petr.14403?af=R #nicuverse #EBNEO #
#EBNEO is soon starting the Impact Article of the Year!
Find all nominated articles on
Voting will take place on Twitter (😀) starting next week on https://twitter.com/ebneo