Polish state media still is treated as a legitimate public service by European authorities. Yet many Poles refer to it as a factory of hate. In this episode respected TV correspondent Dorota Bawolek describes a pattern of abuse that degrades journalism and damages lives including her own.
Without much detail the #EBU finally revealed who were the countries outside #Eurovision casting the most votes. Interesting list, #Luxembourg will return next year and there seems to be interest in other former participants.
Outside the participating countries, viewers in the United States, Canada, Kosovo, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Mexico, Hungary, Slovakia, UAE, Türkiye, and Chile cast the most votes online.
I pledge allegiance to the European Broadcast Union, and to the Eurovision Song Contest for which it stands, one Continent* united by Music, indivisible, with public and jury voting for all.
*with bits of Asia and Australasia
#songcontest #Eurovision2023 #liverpool #EBU #eurovision
#Eurovision is a good example of the mess Musk created on #Twitter. The official account is no longer labelled, but several accounts using the same logo and name are. The #EBU should just drop that network, it's damaging its brand.
Embora ouça esta canção regularmente no spotify, já não via o vídeo clipe há anos, que espetáculo. Itália costuma falhar no staging, mas os clipes são sempre um primor. Devia haver um #Eurovision dos vídeo clipes, durante a ressaca eurovisiva. Deixo aqui ideia #EBU aproveita.
Este Marcoooo, como que no lo sabíamos ya, lo que queremos es escuchar la nueva versión y que no nos haga sufrir más.
RT @mengonimarco
Due Vite goes to @eurovision
Die #EBU bläst gerade Laub und Kehricht in größerem Umfang in die #Blau (einem #ulm'er #Fluss) dessen Entsorgung über die Biomülltonne nach Unterlagen eben dieser EBU verboten ist.
Heißt das, ich darf das auch als Privatperson und das schadet nicht?
#EBU #blau #ulm #fluss #ulmversagt
Este debate estava já explícito na canção que a #Moldova apresentou à #Eurovision no ano passado, curiosamente a #EBU não pensou que pudesse ser demasiado política para o espetáculo. "1 país ou 2? Às vezes parece 1, outras parecem 2! De Chissinau a Bucareste!"
A reunificação com a #Roménia seria uma via rápida de adesão à UE e à NATO, mas há receio pelos custos económicos no lado romeno e receio de perda de influência e poder político do lado das novas elites moldavas.
#moldova #eurovision #EBU #romenia
Parece que a #EBU está a considerar proibir a entrada checa 🇨🇿 por "política", a mesma EBU que baniu, e bem, a #Rússia de participar na #Eurovision. O que é isso de política? Política no limite é tudo, tudo pode ter uma interpretação política, uma carta de amor ou uma canção tipo "yo siempre estoy ready" têm múltiplas cargas políticas.
Mas isto não é uma política qualquer, é uma política de oposição a uma guerra brutal, ou seja, é um posicionamento bastante básico, o mínimo da decência.
#ebu - ARTE Documentary La loi du Silence: The European Buddhist Union condemns any form of abuse
#MEPs call for revoking the membership of russian broadcasters in the #EBU (European Broadcasting Union)and to prevent any role by the EBU organization in supporting russia’s war of aggression against #Ukraine. http://austrevicius.lt/assets/Laiskai/Letter-to-EBU-April-2022.pdf
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/petras_petras/status/1516694856063717378
The #EBU #IPTC #wikidata workshop was a really nice day.
Jennifer Parucci of NYT is currently talking how to extend IPTC MediaTopic with SKOS ( as in @skohub ) and wikidata.
That is hot.
All the slides and recordings will soon be published at this page:
#ActivityPub #wikidata #metadata #EBU #IPTC
If u interested in metadata:
There is a supernice workshop by the European Broadcasting Union (where the public broadcasters of Europe are collaborating) –
“Wikidata has become one of the largest collections of open data on the web.
Join our workshop (10 Mar), held with IPTC, on how broadcasters and media organizations can use Wikidata to tag, enrich and enhance their content! #opendata with wikidata and IPTC”
#opendata #iptc #EBU #metadata #wikidata #activitypub
#loudness #normalization according to #EBU #R128. You can set an #integrated #loudness #target, a #loudness #range #target, or #maximum true #peak. This is #recommended for #publishing #audio and #video and it is #used by #broadcaster(s) all over the world.
#Gain #ffmpeg #ToDo #Workflow #Audiobearbeitung
#Loudnorm #loudness #normalization #EBU #R128 #integrated #target #range #maximum #peak #recommended #publishing #audio #video #used #broadcaster #LUFS #podcast #mobile #gain #ffmpeg #todo #workflow #Audiobearbeitung