Just in time for #ECAS2023 my book "On the Edges of #Whiteness. #Polish Refugees in British Colonial Africa during and after #wwii " is out in paperback (just not yet shipped here).
Order it for a 35% discount with code ECAS23 on the publisher's website: https://www.berghahnbooks.com/title/LingelbachOn
#histodons #history #africanstudies #historikerinnen @africanstudies @histodons
#ECAS2023 #whiteness #polish #wwii #histodons #history #africanstudies #historikerInnen
My colleague Vincent Favier at #ZMO and Koudbi Kaboré (Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo, #BurkinaFaso) are convening the panel "Training for good life or a good society? Religious students’ individual and collective aspirations in public universities in sub-Saharan Africa" at the 2023 European Conference in African Studies, in Cologne.
The call for papers is open until 9 January:
#university #religion #africa #cfp #ECAS2023 #BurkinaFaso #ZMO