I'm listening to @kqed Forum from yesterday, about the teacher shortage and #rural #California, so all over California, to be fair. One of the points someone brings up is that we have all these TK roles to fill, too, that require certified teachers. But I thought that grade for years, with it early #childhood #education degree. At Sac State, they told us that for younger grades, maybe three and under, #ECE is better than other majors for getting a credential at all, but why do you need a credential for 4-year-olds? Hell, even #kindergarten shouldn't be so #academic.
#rural #california #childhood #education #ECE #kindergarten #academic
๐ #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
Ece + Stefan:
๐ต Love Street No. 90
#InvestinKids #SOlveChildCare #ECE
RT @aaronsojourner@twitter.com
High-quality early childhood care & education fight crime.
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/aaronsojourner/status/1416413492777824258
#investinkids #SolveChildCare #ECE
RT @EarlyLearnNatn@twitter.com
๐ข What a rollercoaster of a year in #ECE, amirite?! Our most popular articles reflected that huge spectrum of emotions and experiences-- here are our top ten pieces from the 2022, featuring writers @ehaspel@twitter.com @brycecovert@twitter.com @finslippy@twitter.com @swartzmark@twitter.com & @Volcoucou@twitter.com. ๐งต
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/EarlyLearnNatn/status/1608622393966182403
RT @ASchaeffing@twitter.com
WOW. I suppose this is no surprise. Private equity has no place in #ECE. It must be a public good, like K-12 schooling, but with robust options including family child care and strong family leave policies. Our babies, toddlers, and preschoolers deserve better. https://twitter.com/ehaspel/status/1603727755010781184
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/ASchaeffing/status/1603755091676258304
We might be able to discover a better path for human ingenuity if we actually could spend timeโenabled by unencumbered resourcesโdiscovering what optimizes experiences for young humans and those who tend to them. #society #humanbeings #earlychildhood #secondwomb #socialinvestment #transformation #ece #education #homosapiens #earlylearning
#earlylearning #homosapiens #education #ECE #transformation #socialinvestment #secondwomb #earlychildhood #humanbeings #society
growth? If we think of how dedicated we become as parents from conception to the age when children walk and start talking, could we imagine our community dedicating resources and making commitments to lead and care for all children until they reach the age for common school. It could alter how human beings care for ecosystems that keep life on this planet. #earlylearning #earlychildhood #commongood #transformation #homosapiens #ece #education #socialinvestment #children #humanbeings
#humanbeings #children #socialinvestment #education #ECE #homosapiens #transformation #commongood #earlychildhood #earlylearning
If we think of how dedicated we become as parents from conception to the age when children walk and start talking, could we imagine our community dedicating resources and making commitments to lead and care for all children until they reach the age for common school. It could alter how human beings care for ecosystems that keep life on this planet. #homosapiens #earlylearning #earlychildhood #socialinvestment #commongood #childhood #transformation #ece #preschool
#preschool #ECE #transformation #childhood #commongood #socialinvestment #earlychildhood #earlylearning #homosapiens
Could we ever evolve a view of children and childhood before age 6 or 7 as an essential subsequent, equally nourishing, social womb for optimizing these first years of human growth? If we think of how dedicated we become as parents from conception to the age when children walk and start talking, could we imagine our community dedicating resources and making a commitment? #earlylearning #earlychildhood #transformation #homosapiens #secondwomb #preschool #ece #education #socialinvestment
#socialinvestment #education #ECE #preschool #secondwomb #homosapiens #transformation #earlychildhood #earlylearning
RT @freeandclear1@twitter.com
It's Time to Invest in Federally Funded Universal Preschool Education | Opinion https://www.newsweek.com/its-time-invest-federally-funded-universal-preschool-education-opinion-1765113
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/freeandclear1/status/1600525150679552000
RT @kbstevens@twitter.com
I'm thrilled to announce that the Center on Child and Family Policy (@_CCFP@twitter.com) is launching today. Read why I founded it: "Why I'm Founding CCFP" โ https://bit.ly/3VjrJw7 #childcare #ECE #earlylearning #earlychildhood
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/kbstevens/status/1597948504844165120
#childcare #ECE #earlylearning #earlychildhood
iACT has a few main programs that are all community-led:
Little Ripples: a play-based early childhood education program
Refugees United Soccer Academy: a place for refugee and conflict-affected boys and girls to learn about teamwork and leadership while improving their soccer skills.
AND....Darfur United! Both men's and women's all-refugee soccer teams!
#ECE #education #givingtuesday #refugees #soccer #woso
RT @CarolinaRAIBCC@twitter.com
It was wonderful to learn how some States are working on elevating our field #ECE . We create change, when we share our stories in #childcare @POTUS@twitter.com for our youngest children, their families and teachers #solvechildcare @SpeakerPelosi@twitter.com #naeycac #mdaeyc @MichelleNAEYC@twitter.com โ๏ธ
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/CarolinaRAIBCC/status/1594207781472575489
#ECE #childcare #SolveChildCare #naeycac #mdaeyc
My little writing buddy, helping with research for the next chapter. #Caturday #AmWriting #Macademia #ECE #CatsWithJobs
#catswithjobs #ECE #macademia #amwriting #Caturday
RT @drkatiewendy@twitter.com
Hey #ECE researchers - we wrote a handy resource for measuring ECE Access with the NSECE - the largest and most comprehensive study of child care supply & (potential) demand in the country. We hope it helps! https://www.acf.hhs.gov/opre/report/measuring-access-early-care-and-education-ece-2019-nsece
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/drkatiewendy/status/1589733959931682816
#Introduction I'm a professor in speech language pathology and an #SLP who studies child language development and disorders. My work sits at the intersection of #Intervention #ImplementationScience #CognitiveScience #DevelopmentalPsychology and #Syntax.
Professionally I'm interested in things related to #ClimateJustice #Disability #ECE #SpeechLanguagePathology #OpenScience & #DEI. Personally I'd add #Scouting #Geocaching #WaterColor & #Reading including the BookRiot #ReadHarder challenge.
#ReadHarder #reading #watercolor #geocaching #Scouting #dei #OpenScience #speechlanguagepathology #ECE #disability #ClimateJustice #syntax #developmentalpsychology #cognitivescience #implementationscience #Intervention #slp #introduction