RT @uclab_potsdam@twitter.com
In July, Barbara Avila Vissirini presented her work on visual systems for input enhancement in grammar instruction at #ECLL2020.
📄The paper is now online: https://papers.iafor.org/submission57688/
📹Watch the recording of the talk: http://uclab.fh-potsdam.de/v4l/ECLL2020Vissirini.mp4
#InfoDesign #DataVis #Languagelearning
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/uclab_potsdam/status/1306234139104948226
#languagelearning #datavis #infodesign #ECLL2020
RT @uclab_potsdam@twitter.com
Today at 15:10 (Berlin UTC+2) Barbara Avila Vissirini will be talking live about visual systems for grammar instruction at the #ECLL2020 conference.
Follow her talk at this Facebooks page: https://www.facebook.com/IAFORJAPAN
#InfoDesign #DataVis #Languagelearning #DeutschAlsFremdsprache
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/uclab_potsdam/status/1284367295645540352
#DeutschalsFremdsprache #languagelearning #datavis #infodesign #ECLL2020