Ecco a voi il mio EveryDay Carry aggiornato del 2023.
#edc #everydaycarry #gadgets
The Mission!
LEARN about this stuff!
Replace every #alkileaker in the house.
For #flashlights in regular operation use GOOD rechargeable #batteries
For #flashlights on standby use lithium batteries
Reduce the types/styles of #batteries needed.
Buy whatever flashlights I need to clean this mess up.
Ensure that everyone around me has a reliable keychain flashlight aka #EDC
#EDC #batteries #alkileaker #flashlights
“What has it got in its pocketses?"
While Gollum did not have many pockets, Levi's do!
Here are my usual carries, AKA #EDC
What About Bob?
My #introduction is in order. I am a technology consultant running my own business. I have been blogging for a long time, but the platforms did not stick; I felt limited by the “domain” I created them in. It never flowed for me.
I will be combining my #bobstoolshop, #KE9A, and #SmarterCaTS blogs and more here. Along with some #EDC Every Day Carry.
I will continue to write on #audiophilestyle
And there is no “musky” smell here!
#introduction #BobsToolShop #KE9A #SmarterCaTS #EDC #audiophilestyle