V #Kranju žabe brez skrbi prečkajo cesto! 🐸
Evropska destinacija odličnosti 2023 pomaga žabam na poti do drstitvenih območij, kar omogoča njihovo nemoteno razmnoževanje in varuje ekosistem. Kvak!🐸#EUBiodiversity 👇
RT @EU_Growth: #Kranj 🇸🇮, the 2023 European Destination of Excellence 🇪🇺, is helping frogs 🐸 safely cross the roads 🚧 to get to their spawning grounds, ensuring their reproduction and protecting the ecosystem.
Learn more about #EDENEuro…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EKvSloveniji/status/1661365153835696128
#Kranju #EUBiodiversity #EDENEurope #kranj #EDENEuro