Så har Rådet også vedtaget det nye Energieffektiviseringsdirektiv.
Og med et pænt, stort flertal.
Herlig nyhed!
Stolt af at have været med til at sikre det på vegne af @EPPGroup og som den @KonservativeDK jeg er 😉
#dkgreen #eudk
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The Coalition for Energy Savings 💡: 🎉 It's official: the EU has a new EED!
Despite a few Member States abstaining or voting against👇, the @EUCouncil just approved the 2023 #EED with a comfortable majority!
To know more about what has been agreed and how to translate it in the #NECPs 👉https://energycoalition.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/The-new-2023-EED-Guidance-for-national-planning-and-implementation_updated-version.pdf
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/WeissPernille/status/1683776553564483585
RT Błażej
10lat flagowej inicjatywy Prezydencji Polski w UE 2011. Miliony Euro dyskretnie i elastycznie, na tysiące prodemokratycznych projektów w sąsiedztwie UE i dalej - w tym w Rosji. W reakcji na #EED rosja przyjęła swego czasu prawo obcego agenta #ForeignAgentLaw dla NGOs i mediów
1/4 https://n.respublicae.eu/EEDemocracy/status/1675843062147284993
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European Endowment for Democracy: Chair @davidmcallister MEP started the Open Session of the EED Board of Governors: "In recent years EED has proved the effectiveness of its flexible democracy support, providing a hybrid response to hybrid threats." #EEDat10 https://t.co/2KhEUNfp53
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/bpaskal/status/1675891650311094272
#EED #ForeignAgentLaw #EEDat10
RT Błażej
Re @EEDemocracy 3/4
O poparcie dla @EEDemocracy w PE zadbał @GrzybAndrzej @nowePSL @grupaepl - reprezentujący PE w Radzie #EED do 2019, sprawozdawca raportu PE oceniającego pozytywnie #EED po pierwszych latach działalności w 2015r. https://andrzejgrzyb.eu/flagowy-projekt-polskiej-prezydencji-fundacja-na-rzecz-demokracji-european-endowment-for-democracy/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/bpaskal/status/1675891955518038016
Projekt flagowy Prezydencji Polski UE 2011 @EEDemocracy, w powołaniu którego miałem zaszczyt pomagać i w którego zarządzie przez kilka lat reprezentowałem @Europarl_PL ma się dobrze https://andrzejgrzyb.eu/flagowy-projekt-polskiej-prezydencji-fundacja-na-rzecz-demokracji-european-endowment-for-democracy/
Zadbaliśmy by co roku #EED mogło zaprezentować @EP_ForeignAff efekty prac
RT @davidmcallister: The European Parliament has always been a staunch supporter of @EED…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GrzybAndrzej/status/1638903134033461249
Tak til @NielsFuglsang og @weisspernille for indsatsen og for at komme i mål med et nyt, flot #EED.
Nu er der mange lande, der skal tage skeen i den anden hånd og sætte turbo på energieffektiviseringerne.
Godt for klimaet, økonomien og frigørelsen fra Putins gaslænker #dkpol
RT @Synergiorg: 👏"Flot aftale" løfter ambitionerne for 🇪🇺's energiforbrug markant og lægger samtidig pres på #dkpol & regeringen, der "nu skal ud og lave ny, mere ambitiøs energipolitik for …
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Bendt_Bendtsen/status/1634165898150805504
RT @EUASE: @NielsFuglsang @weisspernille @DantiNicola @MWorsdorfer @monicafrassoni @KadriSimson @KiraTaylor15 @GenicotD @NKurmayer @AriaVR .@EUASE president @monicafrassoni welcomed the deal on the #EED recast as long-awaited and much-needed. Now it's up to the Member States to deliver
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/monicafrassoni/status/1634172802684035072
Direttiva efficienza energetica: visti i tempi sfavorevoli al #greendeal un buon accordo. Ma con davvero troppe scappatoie per gli Stati membri. #eed
RT @EUASE: 📢 #EED recast, we have a deal!
✅ The directive strengthens 🇪🇺 #energyefficiency rules by increasing the EE target and making it binding
❌Too much flexibility left to Member States
Read our full reaction 👉 https://euase.net/eed-recast-binding-energy-efficiency-target-fills-a-gap-in-the-unions-climate-toolbox-but-too-much-flexibility-is-given-to-member-states/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/monicafrassoni/status/1634144970125852678
#GreenDeal #EED #EnergyEfficiency
🚨 Deal with Council on Energy Efficiency #EED - more info to follow
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_Industry/status/1634090257577648129
RT @EUenergysavings
Tomorrow (last?) #EED trilogue!
The higher the 2030 energy efficiency target, the greater the benefits for the EU!
But ambition should go hand in hand with enforceability to ensure benefits will materialize.
Read our new briefing👉https://energycoalition.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Every-percent-counts.pdf
RT @EUenergysavings
Today at 2PM the #EED open-ended trilogue starts.
A decent deal must include:
🎯An ambitious and enforceable 2030 EE target.
📉No dilution of the Energy Savings Obligation.
🏦A public sector that acts fast to save energy.
RT @EUenergysavings: Good discussion at our roundtable this morning "EED: Countdown to a deal" with @NielsFuglsang and @MWorsdorfer.
Clear agreement in the room that the #EED final trilogue is a test for #REPowerEU.
Thank you for your commitment to strike a strong deal this Thursday!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/NielsFuglsang/status/1633073848403853316
RT @EUenergysavings
🏃🏃♀️#EED negotiations entering into their final stretch!
Two trilogues (2nd and 9th March), prepared by two COREPERs (1st and 8th March) to achieve an EED fit for REPowerEU!
⚠️Watch out for:
👉2030 EE target: level and governance
👉Energy savings obligation: rate and loopholes
Thanks for a great meeting in Østbirk. Good to see energy efficiency in action at @VELUX (I was blown away 😉)!
RT @VELUX: Thanks @NielsFuglsang for visiting us today at our manufacturing site in Østbirk and the good dialogue on #EnergyEfficiency and the role of industry in accelerating the #GreenTransition in the building sector. #EPBD #EED #dkgreen #dkpol
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/NielsFuglsang/status/1628827895895293953
#EnergyEfficiency #GreenTransition #EPBD #EED #dkgreen #dkpol
RT @EUenergysavings: ⚡️Reporting on the #EED trilogue negotiations progress, @NielsFuglsang indicates that many of the technical issues have been settled, with the more political elements now getting on the agenda (as the 2030 efficiency target!).
📅Next trilogues on O2/03 and 09/03!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/NielsFuglsang/status/1617539079201067008
Very interesting chat with MEP @mortenhelveg on the latest developments in the European 🇪🇺 energy sector.
We discussed the priorities of the new 🇸🇪 presidency, state-of-play of the electricity market design reform & the latest concerning #RED, #EED & #EPBD in the @europarl_en.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/KadriSimson/status/1615312962864173056
“This gap can be closed through additional actions on energy efficiency,..” sais @IEA
So, @NielsFuglsang! When do we make a deal on #EED recast with @EUCouncil ?
We could have done in december…
@epp is ready and impatient to be honest.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/WeissPernille/status/1612751337996918786
RT @RenovateEurope: ➡️"Citizen’s #wallets, the need for #independence from Russian energy & the #climate deserve better and faster work from us" says @weisspernille 👏
💪#Action on #energyefficiency in #buildings is crucial - luckily we have the #EED & #EPBD🏘️
via @EURACTIV https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy/news/eu-aims-to-agree-new-energy-efficiency-law-in-2023/?utm_source=piano
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/WeissPernille/status/1611456529391292416
#Wallets #Independence #climate #action #EnergyEfficiency #buildings #EED #EPBD
RT @EU2022_CZ: #TRIALOG | ⚡️ Nižší spotřeba energie znamená menší zátěž pro životní prostředí a víc peněz do kapsy.
@EUCouncil a @Europarl_CZ se scházejí potřetí, aby projednaly směrnici o energetické účinnosti.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/NielsFuglsang/status/1603089873392619531
RT @EUenergysavings: 2nd #EED #TRILOGUE this afternoon!
This is the opportunity to deliver the multiple benefits of energy savings on the ground: https://energycoalition.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Infographic-The-multiple-benefits-of-a-14.5-energy-efficiency-target.pdf
Read our policy briefing with the key points at stake👉 https://energycoalition.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Coalition-for-Energy-Savings_-Briefing-EED-trilogues.pdf