Re Congratulations to our former member @M_Fedriga, President of Friuli Venezia Giulia, on being one of three recipients of the European Entrepreneurial Region Award #EERAward 👏
RT Kateřina Horáková
V Bruselu právě proběhlo předávání ceny Evropského podnikatelského regionu 2024 @EER_Award. Letos cena míří i do 🇨🇿, mezi vítězi ceny je i @Jihomoravsky_kr a @brnomycity. Je zatím jediným českým regionem, který ocenění získal.
#EERAward #CoRplenary @EURACTIV_cz
Day 2⃣ of #CoRplenary
Agenda ⤵️
🔹Adoption of #EUenlargement opinion with rapporteur Anna Magyar │ Commissioner @OliverVarhelyi
🔹Marshal @gz_schreiber on 🇺🇸 & 🇪🇺 local & regional authorities
🔹European Entrepreneurial Region Award │ #EERAward @Kozlowski_W
<div class="rsshub-quote">
European Committee of the Regions: ❓ Are you ready for the second and final day of the 156th #CoRplenary?
The main highlights are, ⤵️
🔹 EU Enlargement process,
🔹US🇺🇸 & EU🇪🇺 Subnational entities,
🔹 European Entrepreneurial Region @EER_Award ceremony. 🏆
Check the full agenda:
#CoRPlenary #EUEnlargement #EERAward
👏 Winner of the #EERAward 2023 @PomZachodnie proclaimed this year to be the "Year of Entrepreneurship". @OGeblewicz
🏆 More about the award:
RT @PomZachodnNEWS: Easy Footings zwycięzcą konkursu marszałka @OGeblewicz "Twój biznes pod banderą sukcesu"
- Jestem zaszczycony. W skromnym Dziwnówku robimy swoje. Dziękuję za uznanie naszych skromnych proekologicznych rozwiazań - podkreślił prezes firmy Henryk Zawiślak.
🏆 Got your eyes on the prize for entrepreneurial regions & cities?
ℹ️ Sign up for the #EERAward info day to find out all about the application process.
📅 03/02 | 10:00 CET | online
Register by Wednesday 01/02!!6W4tdF
Η περιοχή σας έχει αρκετό επιχειρηματικό πνεύμα για να κερδίσει το βραβείο🏆 #EERAward⁉️
Δείξτε το στον κόσμο και κάντε αίτηση μέχρι ✍️29/03 για την έκδοση του 2024!
Info day 03/02:!qX7vyH
Does your region have enough entrepreneurial spirit to win 🏆 the #EERAward?
Show it to the world & apply for the 2024 edition!
🏆 The #EERaward is back with its 2024 edition!
Unveil your region's entrepreneurial spirit & apply now.
RT @EU_CoR: And the winners of the European Entrepreneurial Award are...
🇵🇱 Western Pomerania
🇵🇹 Penela
🇪🇸 Barcelona
Congratulations! 👏👏👏
#CoRplenary #EERAward
RT @EU_CoR: And the winners of the European Entrepreneurial Award are...
🇵🇱 Western Pomerania
🇵🇹 Penela
🇪🇸 Barcelona
Congratulations! 👏👏👏
#CoRplenary #EERAward
RT @EU_CoR: And the winners of the European Entrepreneurial Award are...
🇵🇱 Western Pomerania
🇵🇹 Penela
🇪🇸 Barcelona
Congratulations! 👏👏👏
#CoRplenary #EERAward
And the @EER_Award winners for 2023 are...
🇵🇱 @PomZachodnie
🇵🇹 @MunicipioPenela
🇪🇸 @barcelona_cat
Congratulations! 👏👏👏
#CoRplenary #EERAward
Now more than ever it is important to strengthen European industry and bolster the competitiveness of European #SMEs. I commend the winners of the #EERaward on leading the way towards the sustainable recovery of their local and regional economies. @vanHijum @EU_CoR #CoRplenary
Now more than ever it is important to strengthen European industry and bolster the competitiveness of European #SMEs. I commend the winners of the #EERaward on leading the way towards the sustainable recovery of their local and regional economies. @vanHijum @EU_CoR #CoRplenary
🏆 @PomZachodnie is a region with a modern & diversified economy, striving for a high level of innovation. We intend to build a modern, competitive and sustainable economy, creating opportunities for both residents and business entities. #EERAward
🏆 @PomZachodnie is a region with a modern & diversified economy, striving for a high level of innovation. We intend to build a modern, competitive and sustainable economy, creating opportunities for both residents and business entities. #EERAward
🏆 The #EERaward will contribute to the creation of regional partnerships, as well as to boost an entrepreneurial and pro-innovative approach among residents and local businesses. @OGeblewicz @EU_CoR #CoRplenary @PomZachodnie 👏👏👏
🏆 The #EERaward will contribute to the creation of regional partnerships, as well as to boost an entrepreneurial and pro-innovative approach among residents and local businesses. @OGeblewicz @EU_CoR #CoRplenary @PomZachodnie 👏👏👏
Day 2️⃣ #CoRplenary Agenda on:
🔹#EU2022CZ 🇨🇿 priorities w/ @PiratIvanBartos
🔹Automotive regions w/ @NicolasSchmitEU
🔹#EERAward 2022 winners
🔹Launch of the #UkraineAlliance w/ @Vitaliy_Klychko, @minregion_ua, mayor of #Irpin & European territorial associations
#CoRPlenary #EU2022CZ #EERAward #UkraineAlliance #Irpin
📌Save the date | 📅 29-30 June 2022
The 150th #CoRplenary will present the election of the new @CoR_President & Vice-President, the #EERAward winners and the launch of the #UkraineAlliance and more!
💻Watch LIVE:
#CoRPlenary #EERAward #UkraineAlliance