RT @OEVPinEuropa: Von einem politmedialen Komplex wird in #Serbien seit Jahren die #EU schlechtgemacht, über Demokratie & Rechtsstaat macht man sich lustig. Das zeigt besonders deutlich, wohin permanente #Desinformation führen kann, sagt @lukasmandl 👉🏻 @forumalpbach #efa22 https://www.eppgroup.eu/de/wie-wir-es-umsetzen/mit-eu-laendern/oesterreich/nachrichten/mandl-serbiens-politmedialer-komplex-macht-die-eu-schlecht
#Serbien #EU #desinformation #EFA22
Dear @carlbildt, I am very happy you came with me to Alpbach. Thank you for sharing so many insights and I hope to see you again in Alpbach in 2023.
RT @carlbildt: Good formal sessions at #EFA22 @forumalpbach, but the informal ones aren’t too bad either - here with @k_edtstadler 🇦🇹 @markhleonard and others sorting out the issues of our time.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/k_edtstadler/status/1565625749931003904
Tagebuch aus Alpbach 🇦🇹🏔:
Thomas Ludwig über spannende Diskussionen mit @MartinSelmayr, die - wie es sich für das @forumalpbach nun einmal gehört - auch fernab des offiziellen Programms geführt wurden.
RT @MartinSelmayr: At this year’s @forumalpbach #EFA22, the EU’s “Foreign Minister” (we call him HRVP) @JosepBorrellF🇪🇺 discussed with experts, diplomats & many young people the tremendous geopolitical challenges Europe is facing right now. He made clear: Only if we are united, we🇪🇺 will prevail.
RT @MartinSelmayr: Mit dem @ClubAlpbachStmk 💚 sprach ich beim @forumalpbach über Putins völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffskrieg, neue EU-Massnahmen gegen die durch die Decke gehenden Energiepreise & Perspektiven für eine stärkere, erweiterte, wirksame EU🇪🇺. Danke für den engagierten Austausch! #EFA22
RT @forumalpbach: #EFA22 Stage MIRROR, MIRROR ON THE WALL, HOW IS THE EU PERCEIVED BY ALL? with @Yu_JieC @CHAsiaPacific @LeenaHoffmann @ChathamHouse #ZalmayMamozyKhalilzad @StateDept @Chellaney @frkkymkc @AranchaGlezLaya @sciencespo is in full swing, stay tuned!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ElenaValenciano/status/1565014231510126596
Summing up today’s @forumalpbach #EFA22 debate on tackling autocracies, FRA’s @MichaelCJT’s key takeaways include the need to: use what we have & deliver, regulate social media, work together with dignity to fix societies. The EU and media also have key roles to play.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EURightsAgency/status/1564962119203885057
There is a serious threat of a cancer eating away at #RuleOfLaw, trust & respect for institutions which are essential for Europe, said FRA’s @MichaelCJT at today’s @forumalpbach #EFA22 autocratisation debate. It is deeply disturbing we need to talk about this in Europe in 2022.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EURightsAgency/status/1564951830874017799
Summing up today’s @forumalpbach@twitter.com #EFA22 debate on tackling autocracies, FRA’s @MichaelCJT@twitter.com’s key takeaways include the need to: use what we have & deliver, regulate social media, work together with dignity to fix societies. The EU and media also have key roles to play.
There is a serious threat of a cancer eating away at #RuleOfLaw, trust & respect for institutions which are essential for Europe, said FRA’s @MichaelCJT@twitter.com at today’s @forumalpbach@twitter.com #EFA22 autocratisation debate. It is deeply disturbing we need to talk about this in Europe in 2022.
RT @MartinSelmayr: Views & concerns of young people are at the ❤️ of this year’s @forumalpbach #EFA22: how can we fight the climate crisis but also ensure social fairness? How can the peace project 🇪🇺 help end Russia’s war vs. Ukraine? How do we NOT forget Afghanistan? Many inspiring exchanges!
RT @MartinSelmayr: What military capabilities does Europe need? At @forumalpbach #EFA22, we discussed this in the light of Kabul ‘21 & Russia‘s war vs. Ukraine. Thanks a lot to @KofmanMichael, Major General #Hofbauer, @Simona_Soare @GabrieleGRizzo for very stimulating presentations during our hike!
RT @EURightsAgency: How can we minimise the threats to democracy?
Join FRA’s @MichaelCJT at tomorrow’s @forumalpbach #EFA22 discussion on autocratisation in the EU & its neighbours. The debate will also explore #RuleOfLaw & #CivicSpace.
Find out more:🔗https://www.alpbach.org/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JFLopezAguilar/status/1564567583583604737
And a big bravo to @leopricon and the whole @forumalpbach team for a thoughtful and motivating #EFA22. 👏
Proud to see the work that you’re doing - keep on taking Alpbach to new heights! 🏔
Six months into the war in Ukraine, we gathered for the annual European Alpbach Forum to take stock of where we in Europe find ourselves.
As we head into the fall, it’s clear more tough decisions lie ahead - ones that we must take head on with clarity, diligence & unity.
How can we minimise the threats to democracy?
Join FRA’s @MichaelCJT at tomorrow’s @forumalpbach #EFA22 discussion on autocratisation in the EU & its neighbours. The debate will also explore #RuleOfLaw & #CivicSpace.
Find out more:🔗https://www.alpbach.org/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EURightsAgency/status/1564515808935645185
RT @EYL40: 💬 MEP for tech, President of the European Movement International and #EYL40 @EvaMaydell attended #EFA22 to contribute to discussions on the future of #tech resilience and how to circumvent #disinformation, among other topics. 🗨️
#EYL40 #EFA22 #tech #disinformation
How can we minimise the threats to democracy?
Join FRA’s @MichaelCJT@twitter.com at tomorrow’s @forumalpbach@twitter.com #EFA22 discussion on autocratisation in the EU & its neighbours. The debate will also explore #RuleOfLaw & #CivicSpace.
Find out more:🔗https://www.alpbach.org/
RT @EvaMaydell: Communication matters. Telling the truth matters. Facts matter.
Pleased to meet with @MelissaFleming at #EFA22 to discuss common challenges such as #disinformation and how institutions can build resilience in the information space.
RT @EvaMaydell: A refreshing and motivating conversation with the next generation of #tech leaders at #EFA22.
Building bridges between Brussels, Alpbach & the bright minds from all over 🇪🇺 who have gathered here this week.
#tech #EFA22 #WeBelieveinEurope