RT @cleanenergy_EU: 🔎#H2020Energy⚡️#Projectspotlight
During #EGC2022 read the latest @CORDIS_EU article on the @GeoproProject & its new tools accurately predicting properties of geological fluids.
#EUGreenDeal #REPowerEU
#geothermal brochure👇
#H2020Energy #Projectspotlight #EGC2022 #EUGreenDeal #REPowerEU #geothermal
RT @cinea_EU: The European Geothermal Congress takes place this week in Berlin! #EGC2022 @EGEC_geothermal
Check out these 10 #geothermal ⚡️ #H2020Energy projects helping support a #cleanenergytransition #EUGreenDeal #REPowerEU
FREE @CORDIS_EU @cinea_EU download👇
#EGC2022 #geothermal #H2020Energy #cleanenergytransition #EUGreenDeal #REPowerEU
RT @GEORGCluster: Alicja Stoklosa presented this week #GEOTHERMICA project at #EGC2022 showcasing a collective effort to accelerate #geothermal deployment in Europe and its impact on the market.
#EGC2022 #geothermalsolutions #energymarket #energypolicy #jointcall
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/cleanenergy_eu/status/1583415461773217796
#Geothermica #EGC2022 #geothermal #geothermalsolutions #energymarket #EnergyPolicy #jointcall
#H2020Energy #Projectspotlight🔎
SU-DG-IWG is strengthening the coordination of #geothermal energy initiatives & mobilising its community
#geothermal brochure👇
#EUGreenDeal #REPowerEU #EGC2022…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/cleanenergy_eu/status/1583377264586412032
#H2020Energy #Projectspotlight #geothermal #EUGreenDeal #REPowerEU #EGC2022
RT @EGEC_geothermal: #EGC2022 Closing Ceremony is on and we are happy to announce that the EGC of 2025 will take place in Zurich, during 6-10 October in collaboration with Geothermie Schweiz.
THANK YOU to all #EGC2022 participants! See you in Zurich.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/cleanenergy_eu/status/1583096779456712704
#H2020Energy #Projectspotlight🔎
#GEORISK established risk insurance all over 🇪🇺 for exploring #geothermal resources
@CORDIS_EU article
FREE #geothermal brochure👇
#EUGreenDeal #REPowerEU #EGC2022
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/cleanenergy_eu/status/1583082120406147074
#H2020Energy #Projectspotlight #GEORISK #geothermal #EUGreenDeal #REPowerEU #EGC2022
RT @CrowdthermalEU: #EGC2022
Getting started with the First Geothermal District Heating and Cooling Day event: “Bringing Geothermal heating and cooling networks closer to the people” Join us at room B09!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/cleanenergy_eu/status/1583062766385971200
RT @FilipaVMatias: Always a pleasure to meet you ladies! @EU_Pavilion is a great example on how #H2020 #geothemal projects can support each other in disseminating their results! Thank you! @cinea_EU #EGC2022 #EUbooth2022
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/cleanenergy_eu/status/1583010106874433540
#H2020 #geothemal #EGC2022 #EUBooth2022
RT @FilipaVMatias: Always a pleasure to meet you ladies! @EU_Pavilion is a great example on how #H2020 #geothemal projects can support each other in disseminating their results! Thank you! @cinea_EU #EGC2022 #EUbooth2022
#H2020 #geothemal #EGC2022 #EUBooth2022
It's #EGC2022 this week! Why not discover the #GeoDrill holistic technology cutting the cost of #geothermal drilling?
#EUGreenDeal #REPowerEU
👉 https://cordis.europa.eu/article/id/441954-holistic-technology-cuts-the-cost-of-geothermal-drilling
Download brochure👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/cleanenergy_eu/status/1582706829502472192
#H2020Energy #Projectspotlight #EGC2022 #GeoDrill #geothermal #EUGreenDeal #REPowerEU
RT @EU_Pavilion: It was pleasure to meet with Project Officer @FilipaVMatias and exchange ideas on dissemination of European projects results #EUbooth2022 #EGC2022 @cleanenergy_EU
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/cleanenergy_eu/status/1582680887958740992
#Geothermica accelerates #geothermal deployment via combination of financial resources & know-how.
👀Alicja Stoklosa #EGC2022 #EUbooth2022 #EUGreenDeal #REPowerEU
👉 https://cordis.europa.eu/article/id/441958-research-and-innovation-bringing-geothermal-technology-closer-to-market
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/cleanenergy_eu/status/1582657463756914688
#H2020Energy #Projectspotlight #Geothermica #geothermal #EGC2022 #EUBooth2022 #EUGreenDeal #REPowerEU
During #EGC2022 read the latest @CORDIS_EU article on the @GeoproProject & its new tools accurately predicting properties of geological fluids.
#EUGreenDeal #REPowerEU
#geothermal brochure👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/cleanenergy_eu/status/1582633992821813248
#H2020Energy #Projectspotlight #EGC2022 #EUGreenDeal #REPowerEU #geothermal
@GEO4CIVHIC delivers efficient & low cost #geothermal systems for retrofitting civil & historical buildings. #EUGreenDeal #REPowerEU
👀 #EGC2022 @EU_Pavilion #EUBooth2022
👉 https://cordis.europa.eu/article/id/441953-mobilising-the-heat-below-our-feet-to-energise-historic-buildings
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/cleanenergy_eu/status/1582377423760285696
#H2020Energy #Projectspotlight #geothermal #EUGreenDeal #REPowerEU #EGC2022 #EUBooth2022
🔎#H2020Energy ⚡️#Projectspotlight
At #EGC2022 visit @EU_Pavilion #EUBooth2022 & learn about @GecoProject working towards clean, safe, cost-efficient emission-free #geothermal energy!
🗞️👉 https://cordis.europa.eu/article/id/441952-the-next-big-thing-in-the-geothermal-power-industry
Geothermal brochure👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/cleanenergy_eu/status/1582333207206207488
#H2020Energy #Projectspotlight #EGC2022 #EUBooth2022 #geothermal
#H2020Energy #Projectspotlight
At #EGC2022, 👀#EUBooth2022 @reflect_h2020 increasing technology performance & reducing maintenance costs of #geothermal power plants #EUGreenDeal #REPowerEU
📸Célia Ruiz U…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/cleanenergy_eu/status/1582280769849815040
#H2020Energy #Projectspotlight #EGC2022 #EUBooth2022 #geothermal #EUGreenDeal #REPowerEU
RT @EGEC_geothermal: #EGC2022 is ready to kick off! Come join us for a coffee at Booth B1, level B. Only a few minutes left for the Opening Ceremony.
#berlin #geothermal #geothermaldecade #congress #energytransition #climate
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/cleanenergy_eu/status/1582274074897575937
#EGC2022 #Berlin #geothermal #geothermaldecade #congress #EnergyTransition #climate
RT @reflect_h2020: We invite you to visit the #EUBooth2022 at the #EGC2022 to know more about REFLECT!
Learn more about the project's research to increase technology performance and reduce maintenance costs of #geothermal power plants!
📅 18 October, 13:00-14:30 CEST
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/cleanenergy_eu/status/1582264940672737281
#EUBooth2022 #EGC2022 #geothermal
RT @cleanenergy_EU: #H2020Energy⚡️#Projectspotlight🔎
It's #EGC2022 this week! Why not discover the #GeoDrill holistic technology cutting the cost of #geothermal drilling?
#EUGreenDeal #REPowerEU
👉 https://cordis.europa.eu/article/id/441954-holistic-technology-cuts-the-cost-of-geothermal-drilling
Download brochure👇
#H2020Energy #Projectspotlight #EGC2022 #GeoDrill #geothermal #EUGreenDeal #REPowerEU