RT @europeangreens: 📣 Our new #GreenTalkingHeads Podcast recorded at #EGP35 features:
🇩🇪 @Ricarda_Lang on turning a political vision into action in government
🇪🇺 @VSinkevicius on an ambitious European Green Deal
🇲🇪 @DritanAbazovic on tackling corruption
Listen now👉 https://europeangreens.eu/greentalkingheads/egp-35th-council-at-riga-latvia/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JeanLambertLDN/status/1537871850885337089
Congratulations to @mina_tolu on their new role with the @europeangreens European Green Party. I met Mina Jack on the 2019 campaign trail and admire their ambition for a more equal Europe. Having more young Maltese voices on the European stage is a welcome achievement. #EGP35
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/DavidCasaMEP/status/1533819689985531904
Congratulations to @thomaswaitz on his re-election as @europeangreens co-chair!
RT @thomaswaitz: Today I got re-elected as Co-Chair of the @europeangreens! Many thanks for your continued support!
I can't wait to get to work with this new team, our member parties & partners for a more just and sustainable Europe & make the 2024 European elections a Green success! #EGP35
RT @thomaswaitz: Today I got re-elected as Co-Chair of the @europeangreens! Many thanks for your continued support!
I can't wait to get to work with this new team, our member parties & partners for a more just and sustainable Europe & make the 2024 European elections a Green success! #EGP35
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ParHolmgren/status/1533527767589036032
RT @TarifaElena: Un honor formar part de la delegació de @CatEnComu a #EGP35 de @europeangreens on s’ha renovat la seva direcció amb @BenniDeMarte com a nova SG i on s’han abordat reptes que ens interpelen local i globalment com una transició ecològica justa o l’aposta pel transfeminisme inclusiu
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ernesturtasun/status/1533555554722914305
RT @Melanie_Vogel_: Thank you so much for putting trust in me as @europeangreens co-chair!
With this amazing team, we will bring our European Green Family even closer together and build the basis for a so needed green success in 2024.
Let’s green Europe 🇪🇺💚
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ernesturtasun/status/1533520627180703744
RT @thomaswaitz: Today I got re-elected as Co-Chair of the @europeangreens! Many thanks for your continued support!
I can't wait to get to work with this new team, our member parties & partners for a more just and sustainable Europe & make the 2024 European elections a Green success! #EGP35
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ernesturtasun/status/1533520576052076544
RT @thomaswaitz: Today I got re-elected as Co-Chair of the @europeangreens! Many thanks for your continued support!
I can't wait to get to work with this new team, our member parties & partners for a more just and sustainable Europe & make the 2024 European elections a Green success! #EGP35
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TerryReintke/status/1533520284363497474
This wonderful human has just been elected co-chair of the @europeangreens 🌈✨💕
Biggest congrats to @Melanie_Vogel_ and support for the challenging years ahead of us.
You will do a fantastic job fighting for a fairer, greener and more democratic Europe 💚💚💚
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TerryReintke/status/1533519560971890688
RT @A_Nenaseva: We are delighted and excited to join the Green family! Yet another day to celebrate for @Progresivie as we join the @europeangreens after an unanimous vote. Also happy to welcome Hållbart initiativ from Åland! And thank you all very much for a beautiful 35th council! #EGP35
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/BasEickhout/status/1533436374262681600
RT @SopoShub: @europeangreens gathered the European green family on the 35th council in Riga. Super excited to have a lively exchange with Polish, Dutch, Romanian, Latvian, Ukrainian, Belorussian Greens, Green European Foundation @Gef @CDN, and Ms. @violavoncramon for sure!. #EGP35
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ViolavonCramon/status/1533452191696027648
From left to right: Vogel (FRA), Waitz (AUT), Tsetsi (GRE), Michel (UK), De Marte (ITA), Tolu (MLT), Nordqvist (DEN), Tracz (POL), Steffan (GER).
RT @bueti: Warm congratulations to all the (re-)elected members of the @europeangreens Committee:
@Melanie_Vogel_ and @thomaswaitz as co-chairs, @BenniDeMarte as SecGen, @UteMichelPY as treasurer, @rasmusnordqvist @FrauSibylle @mina_tolu @GoTracz @Vula_Tsetsi
as Committee members. #EGP35
Warm congratulations to all the (re-)elected members of the @europeangreens Committee:
@Melanie_Vogel_ and @thomaswaitz as co-chairs, @BenniDeMarte as SecGen, @UteMichelPY as treasurer, @rasmusnordqvist @FrauSibylle @mina_tolu @GoTracz @Vula_Tsetsi
as Committee members. #EGP35
You are so welcome! 💚✊🌻
RT @Progresivie: Tas ir noticis! 🥳🥳
Šodien kļuvām par kandidātpartiju Eiropas Zaļo partiju kopienā! Ar mūsu dalību tiks stiprināta solidārāka Eiropa un sekmēta Latvijas drošības interešu pārstāvniecība. ❤️💚 #EGP35
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/kimvsparrentak/status/1533442217091731459
RT @lotcharlot: Et voilà le nouveau comité du parti vert européen, avec @Melanie_Vogel_ et @thomaswaitz comme co-chairs !
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/DavidCormand/status/1533399010966380545
Congratulations, dear @FrauSibylle ! 💖💪👏Superschön!
RT @europeangreens: 👏 Congratulations to @FrauSibylle on being elected as a member of the new committee of the European Greens at our 35th Council in Riga, Latvia!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/henrikehahn/status/1533441044330819586
Congratulations, dear @Melanie_Vogel_ 👏👏👏💚
RT @europeangreens: 👏 Congratulations to @Melanie_Vogel_ on being elected as the Co-Chair of the European Greens at our 35th Council in Riga, Latvia!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/henrikehahn/status/1533363383998857216
Check out our brand new EGP committee! Very happy to see this great team getting us ready for the next European elections 👏
RT @europeangreens: 👏 Congratulations to @Melanie_Vogel_ on being elected as the Co-Chair of the European Greens at our 35th Council in Riga, Latvia!
Min seje kollega @rasmusnordqvist er netop blevet valgt til ledelsen i SFs europæiske parti @europeangreens 💚
Stolt og glad for at have Rasmus i ledelsen i Europas grønne parti 🙏💚
#dkpol #eudk #EGP35
RT @europeangreens: @Melanie_Vogel_ @thomaswaitz @BenniDeMarte @UteMichelPY @Vula_Tsetsi @GoTracz 👏 Congratulations to @rasmusnordqvist on being elected as a member of the new committee of the European Greens at our 35th Council in Riga,…
RT @europeangreens: 👏 Congratulations to @Melanie_Vogel_ on being elected as the Co-Chair of the European Greens at our 35th Council in Riga, Latvia!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/TerryReintke/status/1533365057744261120