#FactOfTheDay: Anti-poverty tax credits are linked to declines in reports of child neglect, youth violence, and juvenile convictions.
#TaxDay #EITC #CTC #ChildTaxCredit #ChildAbusePreventionMonth #ThrivingFamilies #ChildHealth #ChildhoodAdversity
#factoftheday #taxday #EITC #ctc #ChildTaxCredit #childabusepreventionmonth #thrivingfamilies #childhealth #childhoodadversity
RT @Gen_Pov
As a #firstgen, many thx @JasonDeParle @nytimes covering U.S. #immigrant experiences, #income & #socialsafetynets access. Grateful to @RWJF for funding #EITC #latino research & @Health_Affairs publication w/ @DanaLThomson @YiyuCh @luisbasurto; w/ more research forthcoming! https://twitter.com/DukeChildPol/status/1644014256759910402
#FirstGen #immigrant #income #socialsafetynets #EITC #latino
This was a great contribution to the literature on COVID impacts and I'm excited to see it in print!
RT @Econoflove
The Effect of State Earned Income Tax Credit (#EITC) Eligibility on Food Insufficiency during the #COVID Pandemic by Vivekananda Das #REHO
editor @leightjessica #REHO https://buff.ly/3K8ZQDK
From SF HSA:
Did you know: Filing your taxes does NOT affect your immigration status. The IRS does not share citizenship information with ICE or any federal agency.
Learn more and get free tax help at http://FreeTaxHelpSF.org
Among pregnant mothers, each 10 percentage-point increase in the generosity of state EITC relative to the federal EITC was associated with a lower prevalence of binge drinking prior to conception.
#EITC #taxcredits #NICHDimpact
What to Know About the Earned Income Tax Credit
The EITC is an often misunderstood tax credit, but it can help individuals and families reduce their tax bill when used correctly. We’ve gathered the information and resources you need to better understand the EITC.
Adopting the most generous state Earned Income Tax Credit policy would have a dramatic effect on child poverty—nearly 2.7 million children’s families would no longer live below the poverty line.
#EITC #NICHDImpact #Poverty #Children #ChildPoverty #EarnedIncomeTaxCredit
#EITC #NICHDimpact #poverty #children #childpoverty #earnedincometaxcredit
For each additional $1,000 in per-child EITC and CTC refund, state reports to child welfare authorities declined 5% in the five weeks following refunds.
Read more about why these programs matter:
#CTC #EITC #ChildTaxCredit #EarnedIncomeTaxCredit #ACEs #Children #Poverty #Equity #Families #SDoH #ChildAbuse #JuvenileConvictions #NICHDImpact #USpol
#ctc #EITC #ChildTaxCredit #earnedincometaxcredit #aces #children #poverty #equity #families #sdoh #childabuse #juvenileconvictions #NICHDimpact #uspol
For each additional $1,000 in per-child EITC and CTC refund, state reports to child welfare authorities declined 5% in the five weeks following the refunds.
Read more about why these programs matter:
#CTC #EITC #ACEs #Children #Poverty #Equity #Families #SDoH #ChildAbuse #JuvenileConvictions #NICHDImpact
#ctc #EITC #aces #children #poverty #equity #families #sdoh #childabuse #juvenileconvictions #NICHDimpact
Last chance to sign up for our @Health_Affairs@twitter.com presentation today at 1pm Pacific on our recent paper that identified predictors of & barriers to take-up of #EITC (largest US poverty alleviation program). https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/he20221129.200030/full/ @tippingpoint@twitter.com @jamieaustinSF@twitter.com @RWJF@twitter.com @BlueShieldFound@twitter.com
RT @tippingpoint@twitter.com
The #EITC is one of the most promising ways to fight poverty but many eligible families don't receive it.
Findings from @DrRitaHamad@twitter.com + coauthors in @Health_Affairs@twitter.com examine ways to increase EITC up-take through new policies + community interventions. https://twitter.com/Health_Affairs/status/1600885141651345408
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/tippingpoint/status/1602737618403434502
**NEW** Anti-Poverty Tax Credits Linked to Declines in Reports of Child Neglect, Youth Violence, and Juvenile Convictions
#EITC #CTC #Poverty #PovertyReduction #PublicPolicy #JuvenileJustice #ChildWellbeing #ACEs #ChildMaltreatment #SDoH #PublicHealth @pediatrics @epidemiology @publichealth @edutooters
#EITC #ctc #poverty #povertyreduction #publicpolicy #juvenilejustice #childwellbeing #aces #childmaltreatment #SDOH #publichealth
“The generosity of these anti-poverty programs matters. Even relatively small increases in income may lower the risk of maltreatment by reducing economic stress and supporting parents’ capacity to engage in nurturing behaviors.” ~Ali Rowhani-Rahbar @uwepidemiology
#CTC #EITC #ACEs #Children #Families #SDoH #ChildAbuse #JuvenileConvictions #NICHDImpact
#ctc #EITC #aces #children #families #sdoh #childabuse #juvenileconvictions #NICHDimpact
“Income support may reduce child maltreatment directly by increasing income and reducing material hardships or indirectly by reducing parental stress and improving parenting.”
~Heather D. Hill @uwevansschool.
#CTC #EITC #ACEs #Children #Families #SDoH #ChildAbuse #JuvenileConvictions #NICHDImpact
#ctc #EITC #aces #children #families #sdoh #childabuse #juvenileconvictions #NICHDimpact
For each additional $1,000 in per-child EITC and CTC refund, state reports to child welfare authorities declined 5% in the five weeks following the refunds.
#CTC #EITC #ACEs #Children #Families #SDoH #ChildAbuse #JuvenileConvictions #NICHDImpact
#ctc #EITC #aces #children #families #sdoh #childabuse #juvenileconvictions #NICHDimpact
Child tax credits and earned income tax credits are linked to declines in reports of child neglect, youth violence, and juvenile convictions.
Read to learn more:
#ctc #EITC #childabuse #juvenileconvictions #NICHDimpact
Thrilled to be presenting at @Health_Affairs@twitter.com briefing on Dec 8 re: building income supports for low-income families with kids. Important implications for design of public policy (especially #EITC). Register here: https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/he20221122.437033/full/ @donmoyn@twitter.com @pamela_herd@twitter.com @CAPolicyLab@twitter.com @RWJF@twitter.com
I am a Sociologist at Goethe-University Frankfurt. I am mainly doing research on #Poverty, #LabourMarkets, and #SocialPolicy.
I am currently working on a project on systems of public benefits to low-earners in Europe (#inworkbenefits, #EITC, #SocialAssistance). I am looking at effects on labour markets and social inequality using #EU-SILC and #OECD data (thanks to funding by the German Research Foundation). I will post updates here and look forward to learn about new research.
#Introduction #poverty #LabourMarkets #SocialPolicy #inworkbenefits #EITC #socialassistance #eu #oecd
The IRS is now asking for "additional documentation" for the Earned Income Tax Credit. After they receive your returns. Since January, apparently. Long list, feels like an audit. Or an unpaid job. In a recession. Why is nobody talking about this?
#EarnedIncomeTaxCredit #EITC
I'm an #economist of the #laboreconomics variety. I study #unemployment, the #EITC, wage determination, #inequality, and #education (both #k12 and postsecondary).
I am a professor of public policy and economics at #Berkeley, where I'm also the faculty director of the California Policy Lab. I have affiliations with #NBER, #IZA, #CESifo, etc. Formerly chief economist at USDOL, senior economist at CEA.
I don't post a lot but occasionally post long threads about policy.
#introduction #Economist #laboreconomics #unemployment #EITC #inequality #Education #k12 #Berkeley #NBER #IZA #CESifo