Dieses Bild gibt es auf dem Weg vom Bahnhof #Lublin zur Convention #EJC2023 auf einer Wand zu sehen.
#europeanjugglingconvention #polen #jonglage #akrobatik #artistik #streetart #juggling #poi #hoop #diabolo #eja
#lublin #EJC2023 #EuropeanJugglingConvention #polen #jonglage #Akrobatik #artistik #streetart #juggling #poi #hoop #diabolo #EJA
S delegacijom #EJA posjetila sam spomen-područje bivšeg koncentracijskog logora smrti Auschwitz gdje sam odala počast žrtvama nacističkog režima, a potom sam sudjelovala na simpoziju posvećenom edukaciji o holokaustu. #NotOnMyWatch
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/marijana_petir/status/1592468525754781696
Really cool to see the next edition of the European Juggling Convention here, @EJC.
The EJC is the biggest gathering of jugglers in the world. I went almost every year from 2001 until a few years ago. It's such a special experience, whether you already juggle or not.
And I'm sure the Irish team will knock it out of the park. Still have great memories of Millstreet 2006.
During the panel I participated in today in Krakow as part of the Symposium organized by #EJA, I pointed out that I am proud that #Croatia was the first member of @TheIHRA that has translated IHRA's Recommendations on teaching and learning about the #Holocaust. #LetThereBeLight
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/marijana_petir/status/1590000495766405120
#EJA #Croatia #Holocaust #LetThereBeLight
Iz istraživanja koje je predstavljeno na konferenciji #EJA, vidljivo je da antisemitizam u nekim EU zemljama raste. To nije slučaj s Hrvatskom jer kod nas postoji iskreni suživot svih vjerskih skupina i u tom smislu Hrvatska može biti uzor drugim državama.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/marijana_petir/status/1539490603804803072
At the opening of the Annual Conference of the European Jewish Association held in #Budapest, I had the opportunity to meet the Deputy Prime Minister of Hungary, HE Zsolt Semjén. #EJA #freedomtolive
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/marijana_petir/status/1538885485044572160
RT @koenaFR@twitter.com
[#VendrediLecture 📖]
L'Édition #jeunesse #accessible (#EJA) lance un nouveau site pour trouver des #livres #accessibles afin que tous les #enfants puissent accéder facilement à la #lecture : en #braille, audio, en #FALC...
👉https://informations.handicap.fr/a-eja-nouveau-site-pour-trouver-livres-accessibles-30947.php via @Handicap_fr@twitter.com
#falc #braille #lecture #enfants #accessibles #livres #EJA #accessible #jeunesse #vendredilecture