40 days left to the submission deadline of #EuropeanLispSymposium (#ELSConf) in #Amsterdam:
🧷 (Friendica) https://libranet.de/display/0b6b25a8-1763-a88a-e526-72b275177682
🦎 (Matrix) https://matrix.to/#/!gqlYAZsfzSnmFNEHAT:magdeburg.jetzt/$z7kGECRQluF1iZzNhW-0I1e3lUmg-pff8PcAh96gox4
🦎 (Telegram) https://telegram.me/FamilyOfLisp/309
🏷️ #Lisp #Scheme #CommonLisp #Clojure #Racket #Emacs #ACL2 #AutoLisp # ISLisp #DylanLang #SKILL #Hy #Shen #Carp #Janet #uLisp #Picolisp #Gamelisp #TXR #InterLisp #Medley #OpenGenera #Symbolics #ThinkingMachines #ConnectionMachine #MultiLisp #AMOP #CLOS #SICP #PAIP #AIMA #Lambda #CLtL2 #HTDP
#EuropeanLispSymposium #ELSCONF #amsterdam #lisp #scheme #commonlisp #clojure #racket #emacs #acl2 #autolisp #dylanlang #skill #hy #shen #carp #janet #ulisp #picolisp #gamelisp #txr #interlisp #medley #opengenera #symbolics #thinkingmachines #connectionmachine #multilisp #AMOP #clos #sicp #paip #AIMA #lambda #cltl2 #htdp
On #Friendica and #Telegram:
›Call for Papers — 16th European #Lisp Symposium — #ELSConf —#Amsterdam — 2023-04-24/25‹
🔗 Friendica: https://libranet.de/display/0b6b25a8-1763-a88a-e526-72b275177682
🦎 Telegram: https://t.me/FamilyOfLisp/309
🏷️ #CommonLisp #Scheme #EmacsLisp #Clojure #Racket #ACL2 #AutoLisp #ISLISP #DylanLang #SKILL #Hy #Shen #Carp #Janet #Jank #uLisp #Picolisp #Gamelisp #TXR #FunctionalProgramming #AMOP #SICP #CLOS #PAIP #CLtL2 #AIMA #Emacs #VIM #LispWorks #AllegroCommonLisp #ACL #CLISP #SBCL #MetaObject #MetaObjectSystem
#friendica #telegram #lisp #ELSCONF #amsterdam #commonlisp #scheme #emacslisp #clojure #racket #acl2 #autolisp #islisp #dylanlang #skill #hy #shen #carp #janet #jank #ulisp #picolisp #gamelisp #txr #functionalprogramming #AMOP #sicp #clos #paip #cltl2 #AIMA #emacs #vim #lispworks #allegrocommonlisp #acl #clisp #sbcl #metaobject #metaobjectsystem
On #Friendica:
›The extended form of the Common Lisp <loop> macro as a Controlled Natural Language (CNL)‹
🔗 https://libranet.de/display/0b6b25a8-1963-a776-9fb1-d9c503592537
🏷️ #InterLisp #CommonLisp #ControlledNaturalLanguage #DylanLang #ELSConf #VIM #Emacs #PrettyPrinting #functional #hashtable #iteration #loop #dotimes #dolist #maphash #map #with·hashtable·iterator #Scheme #Macro #CommonLisp #ControlledNaturalLanguage #CNL #ComputerAidedProgramming #CAP
#friendica #interlisp #commonlisp #controllednaturallanguage #dylanlang #ELSCONF #vim #emacs #PrettyPrinting #functional #hashtable #iteration #loop #dotimes #dolist #maphash #map #with·hashtable·iterator #scheme #macro #cnl #computeraidedprogramming #cap
If you would like to come over to a friendly group on Telegram focused on the programming languages in the #FamilyOfLisp — please feel welcomed to join!
We are here:
🏷️ #Lisp #Scheme #CommonLisp #Racket #InterLisp #Clojure #BaLindaLisp #Hy #ELSConf #ZetaLisp #LispMachine #ConnectionMachine #ThinkingMachines #Emacs #AutoLisp #CLOS #AMOP #SICP #CLtL2 #PAIP #AIMA #PCL #Symbolics #Genera #DylanLang #LFE #ISLisp #Arc #Janet #Jank #OnLisp #HTDP #CLHS #EuLisp
#familyoflisp #lisp #scheme #commonlisp #racket #interlisp #clojure #balindalisp #hy #ELSCONF #zetalisp #lispmachine #connectionmachine #thinkingmachines #emacs #autolisp #clos #AMOP #sicp #cltl2 #paip #AIMA #pcl #symbolics #genera #dylanlang #lfe #islisp #arc #janet #jank #onlisp #htdp #clhs #eulisp
🦎 Dear Lispers of all dialects, the next ELS is announced, and I think the call for papers is already out. 🤩
European Lisp Symposium
April 24th - April 25th 2023, Amsterdam
Save the dates, see you in the most beautiful city!
Btw, will any logic friends be around the ILLC at the time? 😃
#elsconf #lisp #racket #commonlisp #scheme #dylanlang #clojure #ACL2 #emacs #emacslisp
@commonlisp @scheme
#ELSCONF #lisp #racket #commonlisp #scheme #dylanlang #clojure #acl2 #emacs #emacslisp
We used our own Jitsi instance for organizational announcements and live Q&A sessions. A backup Jitsi instance was prepared in case of problems with the primary one (and we actually utilized that backup due to audio issues with one of the presenters!).
We also had the Twitch chat bridged with #elsconf on Freenode IRC for people who wanted to participate in the chat without making a Twitch account.
This year at #elsconf: Charity auction and print sales of the Y Combinator Codex!
During this year's ELS, we will be selling prints and hosting an auction of the original of The Y Combinator Codex, a 42cm x 240cm calligraphy piece.
All proceeds, sans printing and shipping costs, go to Lisp-related organizations.
More information at https://www.reddit.com/r/lisp/comments/mzrwwt/els_2021_charity_auction_and_print_sales_of_the_y/
Attached: photo and a low-res scan of the piece.
#auction #art #calligraphy #lisp #EuropeanLispSymposium #ELSCONF