EU lawmakers agree to cut asbestos limits at work ten times #asbestos #EMPL #EMPLcommittee
#asbestos #EMPL #emplcommittee
Re We mark 2 yrs of EU CG in the EP #EMPL Committee tg with members of national Parliaments so as to show our European commitment to ensure that no child will have to face poverty ever again!
Children at the heart of Europe 🫶🏻
Honored to talk during the Conference on Social Inclusion and Access to Adequate housing as Chair of #EMPL
It's time to shift from reactive spending to prevention investment & make the shift from state aid dependent & vulnerable families to independent ones.
Fresh out of the House! European Year of Skills #EYS will kick off on the 9th of May 23. For 1 full year the #EU and #EMPL will dedicate efforts to making skills a priority for the citizens.
📝 Dziś w #ParlamentEuropejski spotkałam się z przedstawicielami #KomisjaEuropejska omawiając raport mojego autorstwa dot. kształcenia zawodowego i przemysłu 4.0., który przygotowuję jako członek komisji #EMPL w PE 🇵🇱🇪🇺
#ParlamentEuropejski #KomisjaEuropejska #EMPL
📝 Dziś w #ParlamentEuropejski spotkałam się z przedstawicielami #KomisjaEuropejska omawiając raport mojego autorstwa dot. staży wysokiej jakości, który przygotowuję jako członek komisji #EMPL w PE. 🇵🇱🇪🇺
#ParlamentEuropejski #KomisjaEuropejska #EMPL
#EMPL Committee European Parliament … European Semester, European Globalisation Fund, CSDDD… 🇪🇺
First #EMPL Interpaliamentary Committee Meeting in 2023. Rising cost of living main themes of discussion.
I will discuss Quality Traineeships initiative in Employment and Social Affairs Committee this Wednesday! 🇪🇺📑
#QualityTraineeships #LegislativeInitiative #EMPL
RT @EPSocialAffairs: 🆕 @EPSocialAffairs meet next week:
📅 Wed 1 Mar
🕒 14.30 - 18.30
🏢 Brussels
On the agenda:
🗳️ European Semester for economic policy coordination
🗣️ Asbestos at work
🗣️ Quality traineeships in the EU
Webstream 🎥
More info 👇
#QualityTraineeships #legislativeinitiative #EMPL
Meeting between @EU_CoR #SEDEC chair #TaniaHristova & #EMPL @europarl_en chair @dragos_pislaru on #EYS and the need to involve more local and regional authorities as they know best the needs on the ground. #DigitalTransformation #lifelonglearning @EPSocialAffairs
#SEDEC #TaniaHristova #EMPL #EYS #DigitalTransformation #lifelonglearning
#EMPL Committee had a productive exchange of views today w
@AnnaTenje and Paulina Brandberg on the #Swedish Council Presidency’s programme.
We will work closely to create better living conditions and improved quality of life for all Europeans.
🚨 Today on @EPSocialAffairs #EMPL meeting agenda:
🗣️ Exchange of views with @sweden2023eu
🗳️ Vote on Adequate minimum income ensuring active inclusion
💬 Exchange of views with @juergensiebel, @IvailoKalfin and @xmaeuropa
🕓 09.00 - 18.30
More info 👇
Dziś na @EPSocialAffairs wymiana poglądow z dyrektorami wykonawczymi @Cedefop, @EU_ELA , @eurofound, @etfeuropa , @EU_OSHA
RT @EPSocialAffairs: 🚨 Today on @EPSocialAffairs #EMPL meeting agenda:
🗣️ Exchange of views with @sweden2023eu
🗳️ Vote on Adequate minimum income ensuring active inclusion
💬 Exchange of views with @juergensiebel, @IvailoKalfin and @xmaeuropa
🕓 09.00 - 18.30
More info 👇
Today at the #EuropeanParliament:
➡️ EU-#US relations (#AFET)
➡️ EU’s response to the #pandemic (#CONT)
➡️ Adequate minimum income (#EMPL)
➡️ #Bee-friendly agriculture (#ENVI)
➡️ EU #ChipsAct (#ITRE)
➡️ Use of #spyware by intelligence services (#PEGA)
More on @myepapp 👉
#europeanparliament #US #AFET #pandemic #cont #EMPL #bee #envi #ChipsAct #ITRE #spyware #pega
Please watch it now, we have @MichaelCJT in our @EPSocialAffairs meeting
I will question him on
RT @EPSocialAffairs: 🚨 Today on #EMPL meeting agenda:
🔘 Evaluation of EU Quality Framework for Traineeships
🔘 Quality traineeships in the EU
🔘 Exchange of views with @EURightsAgency director @MichaelCJT
🔘 Exchange of views with @vestager
🕓 15.00 - 18.30
More info 👇
#WomenRights #DisabilityRights #TheFutureIsAccessible #EMPL
🚨 Today on #EMPL meeting agenda:
🔘 Evaluation of EU Quality Framework for Traineeships
🔘 Quality traineeships in the EU
🔘 Exchange of views with @EURightsAgency director @MichaelCJT
🔘 Exchange of views with @vestager
🕓 15.00 - 18.30
More info 👇
Właśnie rozpoczęliśmy posiedzenie @EPSocialAffairs . Dziś staże wysokiej jakości, wymiana poglądów z dyrektorem @EURightsAgency i komisarz @vestager
RT @EPSocialAffairs: 🚨 Today on #EMPL meeting agenda:
🔘 Evaluation of EU Quality Framework for Traineeships
🔘 Quality traineeships in the EU
🔘 Exchange of views with @EURightsAgency director @MichaelCJT
🔘 Exchange of views with @vestager
🕓 15.00 - 18.30
More info 👇
First #EMPL Committee in 2023, first #hearing.
Excellent practice of democracy and transparency today w @pilvitorsti - Director Nominee for the European Training Foundation @etfeuropa
First #EMPL Committee meeting in 2023.
Opening up this session w #EU Year of #Skills & @pilvitorsti hearing - candidate as Director for the European Training Foundation #ETF
First #EMPL Committee meeting in 2023.
Opening up this session with @pilvitorsti hearing - candidate as Director for the European Training Foundation #ETF