RT @CopernicusEMS: #CEMS #Highlight of the past week
Our Risk & Recovery Mapping Team delivered its products for 2⃣ #RRM activations:
➡️#EMSN138 Updated assessment of the state of crops within conflict areas in Nigeria🇳🇬
➡️#EMSN139 Post-event analysis of the #floods that affected 🇱🇺 in July 2021
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/UE_Luxembourg/status/1597140966544396289
#CEMS #Highlight #RRM #EMSN138 #EMSN139 #floods
RT @CopernicusEMS: #EMSN139
Our Risk & Recovery Mapping #RRM team has carried out a retrospective assessment of the flood🌊 event that affected #Luxembourg🇱🇺 in July 2021
A maximum flood extent of 6⃣,8⃣3⃣0⃣ ha has been detected over the 2 Areas of Interest analysed
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1595666555425198080
‼️6.830 ha sin am Juli 2021 zu #Lëtzebuerg 🇱🇺 iwwerschwemmt gin.
Merci dem #RRM-Team @CopernicusEMS fir dës retrospektiv Bewäertung.
Fir méi Informatiounen👇
RT @CopernicusEMS: #EMSN139
Our Risk & Recovery Mapping #RRM team has carried out a retrospective assessment of the flood🌊 event that affected #Luxembourg🇱🇺 in July 2021
A maximum flood extent of 6⃣,8⃣3⃣0⃣ ha has been detected over the 2 Areas of Interest analysed
#Lëtzebuerg #RRM #EMSN139 #Luxembourg
‼️Déi extrem Iwwerschwemmungen vum Juli 2021 haten och zu #Lëtzebuerg🇱🇺 schlëmm Auswierkungen. De Copernicus Emergency Management Service huet eng retrospektiv Bewäertung gemaach.
Méi Informatiounen heidrënner👇
RT @CopernicusEMS: #EMSN139
Our Risk and Recovery Mapping #RRM team has been tasked by @gouv_lu to carry out a retrospective assessment of the extreme flood🌊 event that had devastating impacts on #Luxemb…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/UE_Luxembourg/status/1588151159784701952
#Lëtzebuerg #EMSN139 #RRM #Luxemb