Was ein faszinierendes Spiel. Und passend zum England-Sieg war die Last Night Of The Proms gerade zum Abpfiff bei den traditionellen Abschlussliedern angelangt.
Trotzdem muss ich den Rest davon wohl noch nachschauen. Pflichtprogramm, wenn nicht gerade Rugby-WM ist 😅
#RWC2023 #ENGvARG #ranRugby #LastNightOfTheProms
#rwc2023 #ENGvARG #ranrugby #lastnightoftheproms
England are playing sports maths and are winning by a huge margin, even though they are a man down.
Argentina penalised for not releasing, but at this point should be penalised for not winning.
21 points on the board, all from Ford. Seems to me England can go down to 15v1 and still win if George is on the pitch.
20 minutes to go, getting silly now.
#rwc2023 #ENGvARG #fordvarg #rugby
"Wait a minute chaps, if Owen's not here, whose job is it to smack people in the head?"
Tom Curry: "I'm on it chaps"
20 minutes gone in the second half #ENGvARG and we are 80% territory in the Puma's half. England's defense is comfortable if not boring. England don't seem to be particularly engaged here, but then again they don't need to be. Even the crowd is humdrum, no real atmosphere. Headmaster is having words with the two front rows again. Now go do your homework. #rugby #rwc2019
We are back in #Tokyo and here's hoping #Argentina has something hidden away. Dominant English scrum though, as expected. #rwc2019 #ENGvARG
#ENGvARG #rwc2019 #argentina #tokyo
England pin Argentina to their try line, seventeen pick-n-goes until the obligatory offside is called. With the penalty in hand England go wide left and Daly looks to fumble but recovers and scores. Farrell misses... again? Three from three go wide today.
#rugby #rwc2019 match hashtags:
Pool A
Pool B
Pool C
Pool D
#walvuru #ausvgeo #WALvFIJ #AUSvURU #geovfij #ausvwal #geovuru #fijvuru #walvgeo #ausvfij #usavtga #engvfra #argvusa #fravtga #ENGvARG #fravusa #argvtga #engvusa #engvtga #fravarg #namvcan #nzlvita #rsavcan #nzlvnam #rsavita #nzlvcan #rsavnam #itavcan #itavnam #nzlvrsa #jpnvsco #irevsam #scovrus #JPNvSAM #irevrus #scovsam #jpnvire #rusvsam #irevsco #jpnvrus #rwc2019 #rugby