On the LAST DAY to make a #taxdeductible #donation before #EOFY make it to provide health care for refugee families without Medicare. Donate here to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre: donate.asrc.org.au and get an instant receipt too for the ATO.
#taxdeductible #donation #EOFY
3 days left till #EOFY! Make a #taxdeductible #donation to the ASRC: donate.asrc.org.au
& do practical good for refugee families in need of health care.
#EOFY #taxdeductible #donation
And so it begins. The end of June. Emails with “our prices are rising in line with CPI”. #EOFY #Australia
So I succumbed and last week purchased an #EOFY special for a half-price 34" monitor
Order received, payment processed, the emails come in 1, 2, 3.
The weekend passes
Monday morning, "Your order has been delayed, deliver expected 13-Sep-2022"
fuck 'em