#PSLVC54 successfully deployed #EOS06 in its intended orbit at 742 km. Now, it will perform an orbit lowering maneuver to around 510 km to deploy the remaining 8 nanosatellites. Web stream returns at 12:45 pm for the same. Congratulations, #ISRO. Tense wait for other passenger payloads.
Teaser video of#PSLVC54 #EOS06
two additional OCT thrusters are towards inside of Propulsion Bay Ring.
This launch vehicle will make an interesting manoeuvre. It first will launch Oceansat 3/EOS-06 in a 742 km orbit. It will then use Orbital Control Thruster (OCTs) to lower the orbit to launch the 8 'passenger payloads' into an orbit around 520 km.
ISRO to launch PSLV-C54 on November 26 at 11:46 am with Oceansat-3/EOS-06, 8 nano satellites: https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/science/isro-to-launch-pslv-c54-on-nov-26-with-oceansat-3-8-nano-satellites/article66160064.ece
8 satellites share the ride:
BhutanSat, for the Government of India
2 Indian private space company via NSIL, Pixxel Space's Anand and Dhruva Space's Thybolt-1 and Thybolt-2
4 foreign payloads built by the Swiss company Astrocast and launched via Spaceflight USA (via NSIL)