RT @LitiuAndrei: @EPB_Center @REHVAHVAC @EPEESecretariat @area_rachp @Energy4Europe @FolkerFranz @johnsoncontrols @euenergyweek @Standards4EU @isostandards ☑️EPBD revision🎯more quality, more 🇪🇺
☑️EPBD must be transposed by detailed technical rules
⬇️Technical transposition could be common #EPBstandards (M/480)
⬇️Open source software kernel, financed by @EU_Commission
⬇️Standards & common tools➡️train & qualify professionals EU wide
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/euenergyweek/status/1575119938284560385
RT @EPB_Center: 🔴 Now Johann Zirngibl @REHVAHVAC Vice-president & @EPB_Center Board Director
🤔#EPBstandards nervous system of the decarbonization of our building stock...
#ZEB needs a coherent & holistic approach, products ➡️ systems ➡️ building, with EU performant tools & indicators 💪
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/euenergyweek/status/1575115119423528963