It would be great if students had fediverse accounts and shared their langauge-learning sequences in OnLine-facilitated communities. The drawings should be produced with Free software too. People could transfer drawing from paper to svg, or draw directly to digital with Inkscape or Krita.. There's probably a way to do this with Racket's Pict too.. But for now I think jamming the first 2-koma together is the easiest way to get 4-koma posts from our 5-koma work. #EPGDM #TEFL
Sometimes students give me permission to use their drawings of 5koma sequences that make use of the sentences we work with in class. It takes me a long time to get digital pictures of the drawings, then convert them jpgs to svgs. A jpgs-to-svgs scripts help with the process but unclear/dark jpgs need bitmap trace tuning in Inkscape. Would be great if everyone had Free bitmap and svg editing software and Fediverse accounts for sharing sequences like this.
For the last ten years or so I've been re-working this way of teaching a few "acts"(verbs) combined with "directions"(prepoositions etc.) from _English Through Pictures_ book 1 by I.A. Richards and Christine Gibson. The 4-koma, KiShoTenKetsu-like layout is good for the little book and Mastodon posts. But a more consistent and gradual 5-koma sequence could make it easier for harried, distracted students to see the 3-tense pattern. Usually I skip "it" during a 7- to 10-class courses.
I made a worksheet page to drill "a" and "the" and a background reading page to stress a special view of the thumb. Page 10 of English Through Pictures(Richards and Gibson, 1945) is hard for veteran Japanese teachers. Maybe because "the thumb" is nothing special in their native language so it's not as much a help as it should be for learning "the" even after decades of experience.
#EPGDM #EnglishThroughPictures #IaRichards
#iarichards #EnglishThroughPictures #EPGDM
“Large numbers of people will learn English as a foreign language in the 21st century, and they will need teachers, dictionaries and grammar books. But will they continue to look towards the native speaker for authoritative norms of usage?”
#EFL #DavidGraddol #EnglishNext #NativeSpeakers #EPGDM #OgdensBasicEnglish #IaR #IaRichards #FutureOfEnglish
#FutureOfEnglish #iarichards #iar #OgdensBasicEnglish #EPGDM #NativeSpeakers #EnglishNext #DavidGraddol #efl