A non-scientific look at the difference in avg. 2022 #EPI and 2021#WGI (Rule of Law) among the top 10 World Justice Project #WJP nations compared w/ #ASEAN nations,
Top 10 WJP vs ASEAN avg. EPI = 65.9 vs. 30.8
Top 10 WJP vs ASEAN avg. WGI = 95.6%ile vs 47.8%ile
Top 10 WJP vs. ASEAN (low-to-middle income nations) avg. WGI = 95.6%ile vs 30.1%ile
Not the fairest comparison, but it does illuminate us about the potential impact that strong vs weak #RuleofLaw has on issues of #healthandenvironment.
#EPI #wjp #ASEAN #ruleoflaw #healthandenvironment
RT @gianfrancocont9@twitter.com
Now working on yet another beginner vocabulary workout on DEVOIR, but this time a more vocabulary-rich one, as it recycles many items from previous units. #EPI @JezequelR@twitter.com @MrVinalesMFL@twitter.com @Language_Gym@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/gianfrancocont9/status/1612455608476631041
Evidence of the links btwn. #biodiversity and #humanhealth are emerging. Biodiversity & #Habitat is one of 52 category #indicators for the #EPI. Most #ASEAN nations demonstrated marginal-to-poor indicator scores, but all saw a (+) positive 10-year change. Here are their scores,
#Lao PDR =74.9(2nd in #AsiaPacific)
#Cambodia =65.8
#Brunei =58.5
#Philippines =54.2
#Malaysia =51.9
#Thailand =51.4
#Indonesia =51.2
#Vietnam =27.9
#Singapore =25.3
#Myanmar =21.8
#biodiversity #HumanHealth #habitat #indicators #EPI #ASEAN #lao #AsiaPacific #cambodia #brunei #philippines #malaysia #Thailand #indonesia #vietnam #singapore #myanmar #sdgs
The 2022 #EPI categorical #WasteManagement #index gauges a country's self-awareness of threats from #solidwaste and #ocean #plasticswaste, and #recycling need. #Luxembourg ranks 1 w/an index=79.1. Here's how #ASEAN nations ranked and scored,
#Singapore 7, EPI=71.7
#Brunei 38, EPI=59.7
#Malaysia 84, EPI=33.8
#Indonesia 96, EPI=29.5
#Thailand 100, EPI=28.5
#Vietnam 111, EPI=25.6
#Philippines 116, EPI=23.4
#Lao PDR 130, EPI=16.4
#Cambodia 144, EPI=13.7
#Myanmar 167, EPI=8.2
#EPI #wastemanagement #index #solidwaste #ocean #plasticswaste #recycling #luxembourg #ASEAN #singapore #brunei #malaysia #indonesia #Thailand #vietnam #philippines #lao #cambodia #myanmar
#Yale's #EPI 'categorical' indices currently utilise 52 indicators. 25/180 nations fall w/in #AsiaPacific. The 6 that rank in the top 50 for 'passable' #drinkingwater are either G7/20, or 'high-higher' GNI nations. Here's where low-to-middle income #LMIC #ASEAN nations rank,
#Vietnam rank 64, EPI=50.9
#Malaysia rank 74, EPI=48.2
#Thailand rank 99, EPI=42.7
#Philippines rank 113, EPI=34.4
#Cambodia rank 115, EPI=33.3
#Myanmar rank 123, EPI=30
#Lao PDR rank 130, EPI=26.1
#yale #EPI #AsiaPacific #drinkingwater #lmic #ASEAN #vietnam #malaysia #Thailand #philippines #cambodia #myanmar #lao
A recent photojournalism piece showcased a #solidwaste #cleanup initiative of Tonlé Sap Lake by young #khmers
belonging to communities in Pursat Province, #Cambodia. Publicising a new generational awareness of the fight against #wastepollution. Conversely, annual volunteer waste collection efforts, sadly have had little net benefit, e.g., the Khmer nation's 2020 #wastemanagement #EPI issue category score was 0.0, w/a global ranking = 133/180. #p2
#solidwaste #CleanUp #khmers #cambodia #wastepollution #wastemanagement #EPI #p2
The 2020 #EPI score and rankings tabulation show that among #ASEAN nations only #Singapore and #Malaysia have effective #wastemanagement systems w/scores of 99.6 and 81.4, respectively. 8 other nations in the region score from below 50 to 0. What's peculiar is that according to #ourworldindata Malaysia's per capita rate of mismgnd. #plasticswaste is among the highest in #SEAsia (~60X that of the #LionCity nationstate) which doesn't exactly jibe w/an overall system of effective #solidwaste mgmnt.
#EPI #ASEAN #singapore #malaysia #wastemanagement #ourworldindata #plasticswaste #seasia #lioncity #solidwaste
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