EU considers reopening wolves high protection status as rural tensions mount #EPP #EUelections #livestockfarming #vonderLeyen #wolves
#EPP #euelections #livestockfarming #vonderleyen #wolves
EU considers reopening wolves high protection status as rural tensions mount #EPP #EUelections #livestockfarming #vonderLeyen #wolves
#EPP #euelections #livestockfarming #vonderleyen #wolves
#eu #europeanunion #commission #vdl #vonderleyen #soder #germany #bayern #deutschland #manfredweber #weber #epp #csu #cdu
funniest of all while it works best when #söder asks the question , it also works somewhat the other way around.
#eu #EuropeanUnion #commission #vdL #vonderLeyen #soder #germany #bayern #deutschland #ManfredWeber #weber #EPP #csu #cdu
So langsam nimmt mein erstes #Halloween-Projekt Formen an. Es soll ein EPP-Kissenbezug werden, grobes Tutorial puste ich bei Interesse gerne aufs Crafting-Blog hoch.
#quilten #patchwork #sewing #nähen #kissen #HalloweenDeko #pumpkin #holiday
#EPP #EnglishPaperPiecing
@sewing @fiberarts
#halloween #Quilten #patchwork #sewing #nahen #Kissen #Halloweendeko #pumpkin #holiday #EPP #EnglishPaperPiecing
Former Finnish PM Alexander Stubb to run for president #AlexanderStubb #EPP #Finland #Finnishelections #manfredweber
#alexanderstubb #EPP #Finland #finnishelections #ManfredWeber
Polish government plays anti-EU, anti-German card ahead of polls #CivicPlatform #DonaldTusk #EPP #eurosceptics #JarosławKaczyński
#civicplatform #DonaldTusk #EPP #eurosceptics #jaroslawkaczynski
Uh... my Halloween fabric arrived! 🎃 *rummages through Pinterest for halloween related EPP ideas*
#sewing #EPP #quilting #nahen #patchwork
See, this is why we need a The Crown-style #TV show but for the #history of the #EuropeanUnion
(The #EPP character arc from hero with Konrad Adenauer to 0 with #ManfredWeber would be 🔥)
#EU #UE #MediaFreedomAct #pressfreedom #journalism
#TV #history #EuropeanUnion #EPP #ManfredWeber #eu #ue #MediaFreedomAct #pressfreedom #journalism
Yeah, yeah, I know, but #MaiaSandu is one of like two #EPP party leaders in #Europe who deserves to govern. I think her bounce back in polls is a direct consequence of more people in #Moldova feeling like the #EuropeanUnion has their back. It shows again how important a proactive and bold #EU in the face of Russian propaganda and aggression is. Good joint (francophonie) effort by #Romania and #France who are the driving forces behind support for Moldova in the #EU.
#MaiaSandu #EPP #europe #moldova #EuropeanUnion #eu #romania #France
The Mediterranean is on fire. At what point does someone like Mitsotakis (who doesn't need any far-right coalition partners and seems slightly above the dismal level of the #EPP in terms of political skill) knife Manfred Weber in the back? Berlusconi's 🧟♂️ crew aside, what's the EPP plan for campaigning for the #EP2024 elections at 40 degrees next May with voters whose livelihoods are in fire? More dank Timmermans v Santa memes?
#EPP #ep2024 #eu #europol #europolitics #europe #climatechange
Moin, an alle, die #neuHier sind. 😅 Bei mir findet ihr nen Mix aus Alltagskram mit #Schulkind in #berlin
Politik, Geschichte, DIY (Craftingblog:, omnivoren bis veganen Rezepten (Foodblog: ) und allem möglichen anderen Kram, der mir vor die Füße - äh, die Tatatur fällt.
Momentan mache ich viel #EPP, blinzle aber schon wieder meine Axt an und werde demnächst wieder die Klingen packen, um zu Schnitzen. Dazwischen backe ich ein Brot schreibe ein paar Texte. Ahso, ja - zur #Risikogruppe gehöre ich auch noch. #Corona ist für uns leider nicht vorbei. Spielverderberin, I know. 😅
Einmal im Monat organisiere ich virtuell den #VersponnenerSalon, ein Crafting-Treffen für Personen mit DIY-Gen. Gemeinsam sitzen wir dann da, stellen Dinge her und quatschen nebenher über alles Mögliche. Quasi subversives Handarbeiten. 😏 Mehr Infos gibt es auch noch in meinem Profil.
Oh, ja, da sollte ich evtl. auch noch drauf hinweisen. Ich habe mal das hier geschrieben:üße-Rezepte-aus-Vorratskammer-ebook/dp/B08C4TK16F/
Auf bald! Freue mich, von euch zu lesen! (Thx. für Boosts über meine schnuckelige 4-Personen-Instanz hinaus, ihr Hasen! 🥰)
#neuhier #schulkind #berlin #EPP #risikogruppe #corona #versponnenersalon
#ManfredWeber got the braintrust behind the #EPP 's brilliant #NatureRestaurationLaw memeing campaign to use the #eleccionesgenerales hashtag and try to idk... @ #PedroSanchez into delivering #Spain to a #PPVOX coalition with the far-right? 🤣
#23J #PPE #delendaest #electionsSpain #EuropeanParliament #UE #EU #europol #europolitics
#ManfredWeber #EPP #naturerestaurationlaw #eleccionesgenerales #pedrosanchez #spain #ppvox #23j #ppe #delendaest #electionsspain #europeanparliament #ue #eu #europol #europolitics
My ability to follow #German politics is limited as I don't speak the language, but from what I can see, there is significant pushback within the #CDU against #Merz vice signalling to the far-right. As anyone following #EuropeanUnion politics can see, Merz isn't doing anything their #CSU ally #ManfredWeber hasn't been attempting to do for a while now. Is there any pushback in #Germany against Weber's dream coalition with #Meloni for the 2024 #EP #elections ?
#german #cdu #merz #EuropeanUnion #csu #ManfredWeber #germany #meloni #ep #elections #eu #ue #europolitics #europol #EPP
Did a little bit quilting today. First time with batting. I jut love it, when I'm doing the stitches and it changes from 2-D to 3-D. 🤩
#quilting #quilt #quilten #nähen #sewing #cottageCore #patchwork #stitching #EPP #EnglishPaperPiecing #NähenVonHand #Handnähen #DIY #HabIckSelbstjemacht
#quilting #quilt #Quilten #nahen #sewing #cottagecore #patchwork #stitching #EPP #EnglishPaperPiecing #nahenvonhand #handnahen #diy #habickselbstjemacht
📱💻Nell'era digitale, la connettività globale e l'accesso a internet sono diventati strumenti essenziali per l'inclusione sociale, l'innovazione e lo sviluppo economico.
Scopri i risultati raggiunti dal gruppo PPE!
#PPE #EPP #ForzaItalia
There are indications that the Far Right will make gains in next year's #EU Elections - Following the alliance between @EPPGroup and Far Right in fighting against #RestoreNature , it will not be a surprise to see #EPP drift even further to the Right than they already are...
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Mick Wallace: The @EPPGroup +Far Right partners failed to stop #NatureRestorationLaw - A good day for Nature + Farmers. Sadly they did manage to gut it. Commission + Council are now more progressive than Parliament - worrying times. Is #EPP alliance with Far Right a marker for next elections.?
#EU #RestoreNature #EPP #NatureRestorationLaw
The @EPPGroup +Far Right partners failed to stop #NatureRestorationLaw - A good day for Nature + Farmers. Sadly they did manage to gut it. Commission + Council are now more progressive than Parliament - worrying times. Is #EPP alliance with Far Right a marker for next elections.?
It was good that the #NatureRestorationLaw passed, but it has been gutted by #EPP and their Far Right partners - Rapporteur @cesarluena is very impressive but has a massive challenge at Trilogue to make things good - pretending otherwise is living the lie...
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Louise Guillot: Now that the 🇪🇺Parliament has adopted its position on the controversial Nature Restoration Regulation, let's try to understand what's in it 🧶
(If I got something wrong or forgot anything, please tell me. We don't have the consolidated text just yet)
@kravietz I suggest if they want to invest massively in #renewables, have enough EU budget resources to support Ukraine and increase defence cooperation, #Europeans should start voting for parties that support these things in their national elections. Of course, most don't realise the #EU is run by our national governments, have no idea what the #Council does or how Weber's #EPP is chasing after the far right at the moment, etc.
#renewables #europeans #eu #Council #EPP
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📌 Convergenza globale sull’IA generativa
e tanto altro…!
#plenarysession #PlenariaStrasburgo #Epp
#PlenarySession #plenariaStrasburgo #EPP