#ERCOT conservation appeal in effect from 5pm today until 9pm tonight. Looking OK right now, but if production drops as they expect, then it will be tight in an hour or two. #Texas #TexasGrid
Oh. Oh nice. Our third world cronyist power grid's all up in its bullshit again
Oh. Oh nice. Our third world capitalist power grid's all up in its bullshit again
Looks like #ERCOT (Texas’ independent power grid) almost shit itself again.
Time for them to add in HVDC converters to sell/buy power from the eastern and western interconnects. With the renewable resources available in the region they could probably MAKE money over time doing this while increasing grid stability.
(Of course some would blast connections to another grid as “#WOKE”.)
#ERCOT #TexasGrid still showing considerable improvement over the last 50 minutes
Looking better already. Usage dropped dramatically and supply leveled off #ERCOT
Texan’s power conservation fatigue grows despite ERCOT’s requests | The #Texas Tribune #ERCOT
A surge in battery storage is helping Texas beat the heat without additional fossil fuels
"Analysts say battery installations have raced forward in California and Texas due to the high level of solar generation in both states. That is because solar energy production creates a relatively predictable pattern in electricity prices, with prices falling during the day and climbing during the evening."
This is the way.
#ERCOT #climatechange #california #texas #heatwave
Don't give him any ideas!
People keep asking Abbott how shitty he can get, and he's taking it as a challenge.
#txpowergrid #ERCOT #Govabbott #txgovernor
Breaking: Texas Gov Abbott, reiterating he will do everything he can to protect the Texas energy industry, introduces a plan to charge Texans a convenience fee when ERCOT turns their power back on after a rolling blackout.
[Paywall] Editorial: #Wind and #solar are saving #ERCOT this summer. When will #Texas leaders embrace them?
Express-News Editorial Board
July 27, 2023
"In case you missed it, Pablo Vegas, CEO of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, recently said #renewables have been a lifeline for the power grid as it meets record-breaking demand during long stretches of triple-digit heat. The extra power capacity has reduced mandatory conservation notices and rolling #blackouts."
#wind #Solar #ERCOT #texas #renewables #blackouts #ClimateCrisis #ClimateSolutions
Welcome to the Fediverse from that foul site. We don't have an algorithm determining what we see so we have to create our timelines ourselves by following plenty of other posters.
If you understand this reference you might consider following this account for example, ELoon runs his network as bad as does #ERCOT or at least check the #MastodonEnergy hashtag occasionally.
#Texas, #ERCOT gets to have it both ways per the state Supreme Court: it looks like ERCOT is enough of a government organization to be immune from lawsuits for the people they killed in 2021, but (as of yet) not so much of a government organization that they're subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act and Public Information Act.
Protecting corporations should not be the purpose of the judiciary, but here we are.
"The Texas Supreme Court ruled Friday that ERCOT, the operator of Texas’ power grid, is a government entity, granting the organization immunity to lawsuits stemming from 2021′s deadly winter storm.
The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 on immunity, reversing a previous judgment from a Dallas state appeals court. Justices dismissed lawsuits from San Antonio’s municipal electric utility and a private energy developer.
The court ruled unanimously that ERCOT is a governmental entity, something the organization has waffled on in recent legal challenges. For instance, it claimed it was not a government entity when it was sued over Texas’ government open records law. ERCOT officials claimed it fell under government protection under the suits that were decided Friday."